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Our enemy Snake hadn't run out of all the bullets he could use to shoot Marilyn yet, no, he wanted to find Marilyn destroyed and without the energy to defeat her and he needed some of his most trusted and despicable henchmen to do it.

Marilyn was still a long way from entering Dead Land territory and so Snake Number One could have as much time as she wanted to orchestrate the most ruthless and cowardly of traps.

As we all know, given her rotten nature, she did not want to get her hands dirty and so she laid an ambush on Marilyn to ensure a dirty and easy victory and to feed it to someone eviler.

To do so, she simply had to be found by Marilyn and let her fall for the umpteenth time victim of her stupid naivety.

It didn't take long for the Snake to think of a brilliant and cunning trap, no, that was natural and good, unfortunately.

Here, at times, we should be appalled at how certain individuals manage to be so ingenious and cunning in their desire to hurt people

Finall, Marilyn, after so many chases and bad encounters, had managed to reach the Land of Dead Land but entered without realizing it because the Snake had already thought, together with its henchmen, to cover all the signs of the cursed land.

After so many bad memories and suffering, Marilyn could catch her breath and avenge her injustices against those who had made her suffer.

I know, you are thinking that this adventure was over for her, but it is not so, given that she was expecting much worse.

Our brave heroine managed to see her hateful enemy on the ground. She thought to herself that she could not be more fortunate to see her already defeated, with all her clothes full of tears and mud.

However, there was something wrong, something was not right. You've already figured it out, haven't you?

The Snake Number One, on the ground, complained and cried because they had attacked her.

She was alone and no one had been there with her to protect her, not even a friend to rely on in her time of need.

Any person, after having suffered a bad betrayal, would not hesitate to take advantage and take revenge without mercy but Marilyn, as you understood, she was not bad or clever enough to do so.

Forgetting all the wrongs she had suffered, she rushed to rescue that slimy and cowardly female-like creature, she forgot to keep her guard high and ended up inside her evil jaws like a rabbit in the jaws of a python.

The Snake asked Marilyn if she could turn around to get an herb to heal her wounds that was right near a cliff.

Let's take a short break to explain something.

I know, now you are wondering if you can be so naive or really dumb to believe your archenemy asking you for a favor, after stabbing you in the back, you should expect that nothing good will happen if you still believe him, right?

In Marilyn's case, naivety and goodness, were really hard to cure and so....

Unfortunately for us, we must continue to tell the misadventures of our Marilyn.

As she wanted it to happen, Marilyn turned and walked to the side of the road to collect the medicinal herb that served to cure that slimy beast and save her rotten life.

When she walked away, she didn't notice that the Snake "as if by magic", had stood up and hidden behind a bush to carry out her evil plan against our protagonist.

Marilyn recovered the plant and turned to give it to that dying being, but as soon as she turned her head, she couldn't even say a word, but she found herself the Snake who looked at her full of hatred and cruelty as never before.

Needless to say, how much despair and fear Marilyn felt. For the Snake, it wasn't hard to knock her off the path and laugh as she shouted, "Have fun down there in the Dead Land!" When you're done, come face me, if you're still alive! ".

Marilyn, while she was always falling lower and lower into the dark abyss, could not cry for her yet another stupid good deed which, as usual, brought only other troubles and stupid mess that she did by herself.

Oh yes, this trip was so well designed that now I can't even justify Marilyn, but our unfortunate heroine was already in trouble and this time it was over too thanks to her foolish desire to be good!

Marilyn, miraculously, instead of crashing to the ground or being seriously injured, ended up in a lake of cold, slimy slime.

After somehow keeping afloat and leaving that fetid lake of slime, she could see writing that was not very reassuring:


If this is not enough to make you understand what further and crazy mess our protagonist was over, I'll explain it to you well.

If the land of Mudland was a difficult place to live, well, in the land of Dead Land things got much worse or to put it better, a true living nightmare.

In the first we could still have some hope, knowing that the school would end and that the torturers would never be seen again, even if the bad memories would have remained.

Here, however, the story is certainly different, here hopes and dreams die like butterflies in winter.

We can describe Dead Land as the swamp that welcomes all the Snakes that, because of their wickedness, have even been rejected by the land of Mudland.

In this land stood, the heaviest noxious and deadliest concentration of wickedness and evil that would make even the worst devils in hell envious.

If in Mudland wickedness was fun, unfortunately in this swamp of evil obscenity it was the reason of life of all its inhabitants.

Yes, all the frustrations, disappointments, and dreams shattered in Dead Land gave the right fuel to the adult Snakes to create even more malice and inflict more suffering on their victims.

In this land were grouped all the Teen Snakes which had become adults who had not learned to respect other people, but who, on the contrary, had only accumulated nasty and rotten cruelty further to that which they already possessed.

Despite hiding behind a mask of falsehood and malice, they too had dreams of love and glory, which life had no intention of giving them.

Therefore, they, unlike the other people who suffer but do not weigh their suffering on other poor victims of destiny, had to take revenge for how life had mistreated them on someone who could not defend themselves.

Marilyn, therefore, had happened in a still unhealthy environment of Mudland, and here there was no joking in terms of baseness and cruelty.

Frustration and suffering gave the Snakes, in addition to their innate genius of malice, nefarious energy to create even more damage, worse than what the Baby Snakes and Teen Snakes could do if they were all put together.

Regardless of these ugly premises, we must continue and witness this ascent of the swamp to face the Queen of Mean Snake, aka the Snake number One

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