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Have you ever felt betrayed, humiliated, bullied, robbed of your happiness and life by those you trusted or those you thought loved you?

Well, I suffered it and the worst part is that the betrayal never came from my enemies, but from those who trusted me blindly and with all their hearts.

If you are like me who are suffering from the stabbings, traps and abuse not kindly given to you by true friends or girlfriends, well, the book or rather unique and rare Survival Manual you are now reading, will be your only chance to survive all the nastiness you will encounter in your life.

I know, in life since you were a child thanks to fairy tales and some corny and sugar filled movies they teach you that if you behave well and if you respect the rules, you will always be happy and all your enemies and bad people who will try to ruin your life, will get their punishment and you will always win in life.

Let me tell you, those are a bunch of lies well packaged with some corny golden paper covering up the harsh and cruel reality.

Of course, telling children right away that in life the real monsters and witches and other monsters are not only found in books but are inspired by the real people they will unfortunately have to meet in life, would give them a lot of childhood trauma and very heavy wounds to deal with.

Really? Well, I don't think so at all!

Yeah, because I, and I emphasize I, am living proof that knowing in advance what you are going to encounter in life and how many "friends" and fake people with beautiful fake smiles who invent every possible way to destroy you for their own amusement and meanness, would certainly help you a lot.

I've met those monsters and I'm their victim since I have betrayed, bullied teased, and robbed of happiness, money and that little desire to live by those who least expected it, that is by slimy and petty people that I call Snakes, will all the due respect of the real animals, they are far better that them.

I didn't dare to admit it, but in my perfect and fabulous life, I had accumulated too much pain and resentment and I didn't dare to reveal it to anyone, not even those close to me because I was too afraid that they could betray me as they had all done in the past.

The saddest thing is the fact that I trusted them because of my good heart and all the corny teachings about kindness and selflessness that I learned as a child.

Those enemies that I call Snakes who, in the shape of a woman, manage with their trickery and wickedness they are able to weave the most complicated and poisonous canvas to make their victims fall and destroy them for good and without mercy.

Although I tried to be good and to help others, I always ended up being fed to those evil and mean creatures who made me understand at my expense that it is not worth it to be kind in this world full of hate.

After a while, I realize that it made no sense to act as a doormat or trashcan to the frustrations of those people without soul and with evil intentions but I didn't know to defend myself from their poisonous and powerful attacks.

I didn't want to be bad as them, nor did I want to lose my soul and pride.

Let's be real, all of us, after suffering or being betrayed, we want to have some revenge instead of forget and move on with our lives. I didn't want to have regrets and feel like the looser of the story.

My only solution was to become crafty and develop a good will power because my enemies did not physically attack but tried in every way to destroy me from within and stealing all my happiness and will to live to destroy me forever.

I took as a starting point for being inspired my favorite actress, Marilyn Monroe, she too had suffered and was a victim of so much malice in her life and she remind me what price you have to take for being to naive in life.

Until the end, she remained herself and I wanted to be like her, a femme fatale who always triumphs and lives as she wants. But she lacked the cunning needed to defend her and I learned it instead.

If I wanted to triumph against my enemies, I had to combine these elements and become strong internally to make it in life.

I could not have at my disposal a manual on the art of war or a manual of karate, I needed something direct and effective, I had no time to lose to read an entire library of manuals and applied psychology to defeat the Snakes.

After so many mistakes and bad encounters along the way, I finally found the right strategies and advice to succeed and I managed to defeat those who had caused me so much pain and suffering.

One day, I was able to defeat one of my worst Sneaky enemies but I wondered, but only I have had all this suffering because of those evil Snakes or even someone else have suffered because of them?

The answer was not difficult to find, unfortunately.

Every day I saw so many examples of free cruelty around the streets or on the Internet, without the right punishment for those evil snakes.

I could not stand all these suffering of kind people who stay silent because they do not have the strength to react to them while the Snakes were winning and enjoying themselves by making someone's life a real living Hell.

I had to have the courage to tell more people how to defeat them and end once and for all their kingdom of suffering and bullying!

However, how could I do it? From here came the idea of writing this book, in which you will find the right strategies to defeat the ruthless killers of your happiness and your life.

I could not write about violent revenge techniques, but I collected some correct ways to face them and to build a strong armor and the right sword to defend and attack.

Don't be fooled if I wrote this book as if it were a fairy tale, I did it because it was too heavy to throw more suffering and ruthless cruelty in the face of those who had already suffered too much.

I wish I've learned all these badass tips and truths before I had to learn them on the hard way.

At the beginning we will find in this story our protagonist, Marilyn, the typical sweet princess who lives in the perfect fairy tale forced to face against her will all the hell and the mud of the wickedness made by the Snakes, and mostly by the most ruthless among them, who will become the worst enemy of our protagonist.

In this story, I will act as a narrator and we will witness powerlessly all the suffering that our protagonist must suffer without being able to help her, However, as in any self-respecting fairy tale, even our little princess/heroine will have the right help and you will discover a great character too in this journey.

If you have the patience to be with me throughout the story, you will not only be able to heal yourself, as it happened with me, but you will also learn things that no one will ever teach you and that will save your heart and life as no magic can do.

What do you say? It doesn't seem to me that you have anything to lose, there are all the elements to make this adventure and this survival manual a special book, isn't it?

Well, then leave all your sadness, and let's go towards this journey into the Kingdom of Marilyn and the Snakes.

Give me your hand and don't be afraid, I'll guide you.

Silene, your guide in this story

To be continued...

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