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"As I was telling you, you must think that you can defeat them, if you give your power away, like hell you will defeat them"

"Go ahead, I'll just listen now, I won't stop you anymore" - said Marilyn.

"The evil Snakes take advantage of the surprise factor and the kindness of their victims."

Your enemies even go so far as to fake friendship to reach their dirty goals.

Remember that between them and your friendship is never equal. They always want to win and be superior to all. Face this cold truth first and the sooner you can heal.

When they know that their victims have fallen into their trap, it is easy for them to then attack and destroy them.

Even if the victims respond, they are unlikely to think about how to defend themselves from the Snakes and defeat them, but there is a way to avoid this. You must build an inner wall and set limits so that they can't attack you.

The naivety also plays against you.

A person who is strong and self-confident does not have to give an account of any one's life or actions and certainly does not begin to listen to the comments or the evils of a person who does not know her or who has no interest whatsoever in helping her.

Remember, everyone has an agenda and they will use every trick to play you and use you without mercy or so ever.

Put simply, those who know how to best defend themselves from them are those who know very well that listening to those who want them dead or unhappy is a waste of time.

Certainly, a smart bold woman thinks first of himself and living, because her needs come first. Not to call it selfishness, to live for one's happiness is a sign of great maturity because when one is happy, one lives better without making others suffer like the Snakes.

A smart woman always asks herself this question: "Does this person make my interest and bring me to profit or benefits or does he or she want to ruin me or bother me because he or she wants to make sense of his crappy wasted life?"

She knows the answer very well and understands that getting her feet on her head by someone so insignificant makes no sense and if she is attacked she knows how to defend herself and put those snakes in their place and most importantly she never trust them no matter how sugar-coated are their words.

Remember this

"Words lie until they are proved, action is always true no matter what!"

If they dare even to open their jaws to spit poison or nastiness, the right punishment given with the right force is to remind them of the stupidity of their lives, that everyone hates them and has no power in the mind of the strong person.

If they continue, they know very well how to tear off their jaws and make them drink their poison, just a little cunning and the right actions to defeat them without getting your hands too dirty and wasting time.

From here you understand why those cowardly and wickedly dirty creatures do not dare to hurt those who are inwardly strong and those who know how to highly fool them with their pathetic and harmful existence.

Marilyn nodded.

"First, dear, you must forget all that the Snakes have said about you because it is not true, and it was only a tactic to make you give up".

"Second, Remember that women can be nasty to each other so if they are mean to you, remember that you have the right to defend yourself! If you get hurt, for sure you don't gain something, am I right?

Marilyn agreed to that but deep down was sad that among girls it's a dog eat world, but that was the harsh reality.

Silene continued her lecture.

"They must first lower your defenses and confuse you otherwise if you know how and where to attack you are more dangerous, while if you are confused and insecure, a tap is enough to destroy you and the game is done".

They count on the fact that you doubt yourself and you consider more their opinion instead of yours, don't make that mistake as I did.

Remember to be your own best friend in this world full of hatred, envy, and malice like the one we are living in.

Me, I, and I are the only options here to remember in this world right now, the sooner you get it, the better for your heart and peace of mind.

The Snakes hate to work, they are lazy, this you must remember.

They told you evil words only to find a crack and creep into your soul to destroy it, a typical well-studied technique of them.

Marilyn, don't just nod, just apply the things I tell you, because I can teach you everything I know, but if you don't know how to apply it you'll be lost and you won't be lucky enough to remember everything, so the first rule is:

FORGET what your opponents say about you and build limits to keep them from reaching you.

If the Snakes finds a mental wall, she will not be able to attack you and she will lose any kind of interest in their prey.

To do this you must always remember this:

"My feelings and thoughts are mine and only I control them, and I don't allow anyone to control them, not even my enemies because that's my power and I own it like my life."

"I have thick skin and soul so I will win no matter what!"

You must repeat this sentence every day, otherwise, all my advice will be of no use to you.

Now let's proceed and this time we'll go even deeper into this training.

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