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This Snake is a cross between the evil snake and the Hunter, but it has a peculiarity that distinguishes it from the two categories just listed, namely looking for someone to be the dustbin of all its frustrations and depressions.

She doesn't want, like the Hunter snake, to see her victim disappear forever, no, he wants her victim to be alive but more unhappy and desperate than she is, better if she falls into depression or suicidal tendencies.

You are always looking for people who are happier and more at peace with life than you are because you can't stand to see peaceful people around you.

Just a single smile or a spontaneous laugh to trigger in her any kind of evil thought face to destroy the happiness of her victim.

For example, I was the victim of this kind of Snake when I was abroad and had the misfortune to end up as a guest. I'm telling you; I'm surprised I didn't get depressed myself.

She was forced to live with a husband who hated her, even old, so any young girl made her sick and I had become her perfect prey, apart from those that had already been affected by her negativity inside the house.

In the territory of that Snake, her house, all the girls who ended up in it became sponges that absorbed negativity and ended up becoming the obedient servants of this type of Snake.

Yes, in addition to looking over my shoulder from her, I also had to look out for them, because the Snake had trained them to help take away even the last crack of happiness.

Yet the Snake could do better than her servants when it came to throwing all her frustrations at me.

The Snake forced me to suffer her stories about how life had been unfair to her, starting with the fact that she had no children, Her husband cheated on her and hated her, but he wouldn't give her a divorce, and the whole world just had it with her.

Every kind of problem, misfortune, and catastrophe is used by this snake to suck and take away the last bit of energy of her victim.

For heaven's sake, no one wants to have any problems, but in the hands of this Snake, they become lethal bullets.

In the long run, when they throw all this negativity on you and all the misfortunes of the world, even you end up believing in it and falling into its trap, that is you become pessimistic and all your desire to live gives you a long goodbye forever.

The secret to defeating her. You must try to stay away from it as much as possible, invent commitments and various obligations, like a date with the vet even if you don't have any dog or cat.

You don't have to take pity on her problems.

Listen to me, you're not her therapist, you don't get anything to listen to her, you're just wasting time, energy, and the most important thing, your happiness.

If you can't get away from that kind of snake, then you must find strategies to avoid being influenced by their negativity.

For example, while they are talking to you can play or use your phone in front of them and make it clear that you are too busy to listen to them, When they realize that a person is rude and doesn't care about a damn about them then they stop harassing them with their problems.

If you can't use your phone then show that you're bored and yawn as loud as you can and keep looking at the watch, they're clear signs that you don't care about the conversation.

If they start accusing you of being insensitive and uninspiring, you can use the last available bullet, that is, that of guilt.

You could say something like this:

"I know you have problems but, you see, everyone has problems and certainly worse than yours, think for example (and list a series of misfortunes), don't you think there are people who suffer more than you? Believe me, if you want to complain so much, focus on the solution and not the problem, you're an adult and I'm sure you can find it."

The last category that can ruin your life is in the workplace, and this Snake can be as deadly as the Hunter snake because she's going to try so hard to ruin your career and all kinds of your income.

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