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"My mother was forced to be humiliated in front of all the people who lived inside the kingdom. When Vanessa wanted to destroy someone, she always made sure to do it in the worst way and make their life hell until their last few seconds"

"When everyone had gathered to see the undoing of my mother, the queen who had previously ruled her people with such love and treated everyone as if they were her children, it was really hard to have the horrible task of judging her."

"My mother still couldn't speak because of the effect of the drug, so she seemed indifferent about the serious crime she had committed."

"My mother's various faults were listed one by one by the court. Vanessa sat in the crowd with an indifferent expression , but there was a small smile on her face at the thought of her success."

"I still remember as if it were yesterday her evil accusations, if they hurt me as his daughter, I don't even want to imagine what my mother felt when hearing them."

Vanessa with fake tears in her eyes and her voice broken by a fake cry spoke in front of the jury:

"'Oh, my dear mother, once you were so good and so loyal to your people, but your thirst for power has ruined your heart and confused your mind. You've gotten the horrible idea not only to murder the king and my father but also to kill the only man you loved; I can't believe you are my mother. What a tragedy that has befallen our kingdom but has also split our family in two. How could you do this to our family? How could you snatch him from your granddaughter Silene? There are no words to describe what you did, but far worse was to betray your people and the poor maid who was about to be put to death because of your lies."

"My mother could hear everything Vanessa was saying to her, but because of the drug, she could not show her expressions. I can't even imagine how much she was suffering."

"Vanessa seemed to be possessed by all her darkest thoughts for wanting to make our poor mother suffer. It was like Vanessa was murdering her with her words."

"Vanessa managed to transform my poor mother from the beloved queen she had been into the worst enemy of the people."

"'Look at my mother, how she is dressed! What an insult she is giving to my dead father and all of you! Look what she did to all of you, all of the wonderful people who live and work hard for our e kingdom? She dared to dress like a maid to blame a weak woman to escape the harsh judgment of her actions!"

"All the citizens were now mesmerized by Vanessa's evil words, and that's why they didn't wonder if this might be a trap to destroy the queen. But the evidence was there, so it was hard to prove otherwise."

"Vanessa had won, she had been cruel and suggested that my mother be executed. And with all the favor of the people, everything was against my poor mother."

"I still had pity on my mother and tried in every way to save her. Instead of having her end up dead that day, at least I managed to keep her with me in the castle, even if inside a cell."

"That move was the one that doomed me before the eyes of my people. They thought I was betraying them, that I was on my mother's side. And I was! Little did they know that Vanessa was behind it all! From that day, I began to see the end of the life I knew."

"Vanessa wasn't done with her revenge yet. Little did I know she still had the other half of her plan to carry out, which concerned me."

"I spent days meditating on what happened and trying in every way to understand why things took such an unhappy and depressing turn. If only I had listened to my intuition that suggested that I get rid of that Snake before it hurt others, I'd still be alive right now."

"One of my mistakes that I will never forgive myself for is that I was too hopeful. I hoped that things would work out, that Vanessa wouldn't go any further. But sometimes feelings have to be put aside and you have to act only with your mind to win. I let my good feelings ruin me."

"This was one of the fatal mistakes that decreed the end of everything. I didn't have to wait long to see all her hatred overwhelm me and destroy everything forever."

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