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Marilyn had those thoughts in mind, but her body was taking her to the place she would never want to see again in her life.

She was about to return to the front of the entrance of Mudland which, as you well know, housed the only exit from that place other than Deadland. Inside was filled with the corrupt and grim evil that the Snakes could imagine.

Even the bravest person didn't want to return to those places worthy of being named real hell on Earth. I wouldn't let myself be tortured again unless I went completely crazy.

Our protagonist knew very well the dangers that she was entering, but her mind and body seemed to go in opposite directions.

Marilyn only was able to think this: "I promised to face all my fears and never look back or run away in the face of adversity. I promised to stop suffering and become the queen of my life, a commander who knows what she wants and who can defend herself from all the wickedness and injustices that life throws at her."

Her body had received the orders. She was heading towards the battlefield, but her mind did not want to revisit the places where she had experienced her detrimental trauma in the first place.

The situation was really difficult, if not impossible.

On the one hand, she had the desire to fight and win.

On the other, she wished to escape and not get hurt again.

Which of the two could be chosen by our protagonist?

She was alone again. There was no one left to support her, and the voices of fear and defeat were growing louder in her heart, she couldn't hear them anymore.

"I'm so lonely and confused, what should I do?" - she asked in vain.

This inner dialogue continued to go on and quickly became more intense.

Every single step that Marilyn took made her feet heavier, and the closer she got to the entrance to the evil kingdom of Mudland, the more uncertain she became of her decision to return.

After Mudland, there was Deadland and there the trail and the enemies were even more dangerous.

One always hopes to be able to avoid sad things but Marilyn had to choose if she would continue or not.

It didn't matter if she was ready or not.

She had to choose before it was too late to turn back.

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