Chapter One

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Katsuki Bakugou smiled to himself as he stared down at his boyfriend, Eijiro Kirishima, who was resting his head on the blond's lap. They were sitting in Bakugou's dorm room, having finished their studying about an hour ago. Kirishima, on his phone, looked up at his boyfriend.

"What're you smiling about, Katsuki?"

"Nothing. Shut up, shitty hair."

Kirishima chuckled a little. "I have a name, you know." He adjusted himself to make himself more comfortable. "Besides, our hair isn't even that different."

Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure. I just don't need to use a ton of gel to get it to look this fabulous every day." Kirishima full-out laughed at that. "Okay, got me there."

He closed his eyes and dropped his phone on the bed with a yawn. "Babe, I'm taking a nap, okay?"

"Not on my legs!" Bakugou said, but it was too late. Kirishima was like a cat. If he finds a comfortable place to sleep, he would not be moving any time soon. Mildly annoyed, though he could never really be mad at Kirishima, Bakugou fell back onto the bed. If Kirishima was going to sleep, he might as well join him. He wouldn't be able to do much anyway, with the red-haired teen using his lap as a pillow.

Relaxing in the familiar presence of his boyfriend, Bakugou drifted into the calm of dreamless sleep.

When he opened his eyes again, Kirishima was no longer on his legs, instead sitting at the desk in the corner. Bakugou sat up, staring at him. "What are you doing, shitty hair?" Kirishima turned to look at him, smiling slightly.

"Nothing. Just reading."

"Why'd you get off the bed?"

"I didn't want to cut off the circulation in your legs, but if I moved anywhere else I might've woke you."

Bakugou maintained his outer, uncaring appearance, but felt a slight warmth from how sweet Kirishima was. Sure, the guy was an idiot, but he was Bakugou's idiot. "What time is it?" Bakugou asked, wondering how long he'd slept.

"It's like..eight something." So he'd slept for three hours. And didn't eat dinner. Which meant Kirishima hadn't woke him up for dinner. Bakugou threw his legs over the side of the bed and got up, walking over to Kirishima.

"Where's dinner?" the blonde asked, crossing his arms over his chest and raising a brow. His boyfriend only grinned sheepishly, seemingly contemplating his response.

"Well, you see..." Bakugou sighed and interrupted him, not even wanting to hear whatever lame excuse that he knew was going to come from Kirishima's mouth. "You didn't even eat dinner either, did you?"


"Come on, shitty hair. We're getting something to eat." He disregarded Kirishima's attempts to correct him about his name, as he always did. Bakugou obviously knew that his real name was Eijiro, but he much preferred to call him by his nickname. It was a habit.

Not looking back to see if Kirishima was following him, Bakugou opened the door to his room and walked out. He did listen for his boyfriend's footsteps, though, and, satisfied that Kirishima was following, he walked through the common area.

The two boys slipped into the small kitchen that extended off the area, and Bakugou started thinking about what he was going to make. That was until he saw another boy standing there in the kitchen, looking really out of place. Definitely didn't look like he could cook. He appeared really confused, looking around like he had no idea where to even start. His green eyes were wide and his hair was tousled and fluffy-looking. Bakugou just stared for a moment, while Kirishima cleared his throat to get the boy's attention.

The boy's gaze turned to face them immediately. He blinked once, then an almost embarrassed expression found its way onto his face.

"Who the hell are you?" Bakugou asked rudely. The green-haired boy was starting to look increasingly nervous, and Kirishima just rolled his eyes. "Katsuki, don't be rude!" To the smaller boy, he said, "Don't mind him. He's mean to everyone. Anyway, I'm Eijiro Kirishima, and he's Katsuki Bakugou. Who're you? I don't think I've seen you around."

"Oh, um...I'm Izuku Midoriya... I just transferred here..."

Kirishima gave him a friendly smile, while Bakugou just glared at him with his crimson eyes. "I guess you're down here since you want something to eat, too, right?" Izuku nodded, still looking a bit anxious.

"Katsuki here was just about to cook something, since we missed dinner. He won't mind making a little extra. Right, Katsuki?" He put extra emphasis on the last sentence, letting his boyfriend know that he wasn't taking 'no' for an answer.

Bakugou rolled his eyes but nodded. He strode past Izuku to start digging in the cabinets and see what they had, deciding on what he was cooking. While the blonde started preparing the food, Kirishima tried to socialize with Izuku a little more.

"So, where are you coming from?" he asked.

"Just a smaller high school a few miles from here..."

Kirishima nodded. "Planning on doing any sports?" he asked curiously.

Izuku shrugged, a thoughtful look rising to his face. "I, um, wanted to do track."

Kirishima's smile widened to a grin. "Oh, Katsuki does track too! He's a really good sprinter. Maybe you guys can become friends. I know he seems sort of mean, but he can be nice when you get to know him."

For the first time during the whole conversation, Izuku smiled a little. "Good to know."

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