Chapter 1

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"You are born into your family and your family is born into you. No returns. No exchanges." - Elizabeth Berg


Two months had passed without any demonic incidents. It appeared that vanquishing Belial for real put some fright into the demons who aligned with him. They had either fled the city or just gone further underground. Katherine was sitting in Christina's living room waiting for her to get ready. 'Come on Chris, we have a table booked for one and it's already five too.' She called. She heard Christina rummaging around in her closet for a jacket. 'It's not cold, you don't need a jacket.' She said, head leaning back on the couch.

'Sorry.' Christina hurried out of her room and picked up the small bag from the table. She looked slightly flustered.

'I know you had a late night last night but pull yourself together woman.' Katherine grinned at her.

'Very funny.' Christina shot back. 'I was working, it wasn't exactly a night on the town.'

'You work too hard Chris, I keep telling you to take a break.' Katherine stood and watched her look in several places for her something. Katherine reached down and picked her keys up from the coffee table. 'Need these?' She made them jingle. Christina glared at her before walking over and taking them,

'Yes, thank you.' She said.

'Come on.' Katherine headed towards the door and led them out, waiting for Christina to lock up. 'I wish you'd let me put a barrier up.' She said. 'I still don't like thinking about you all alone out here.'

'Kath, it's fine. I've had one demonic break in and nothing since. If I need a barrier I can do one myself.' Christina reminded her.

'I know. I just worry.' Katherine linked their arms as they began walking, only to almost crash into Noah on his way up.

'Jesus, sorry.' He said, stepping backwards and giving them room.

'Don't worry about it.' Katherine said, smiling.

'You're not Amy are you?' He asked.

'No, Katherine.' She held out her hand. 'You're Noah?' she questioned.

'The one and only.' He grinned before turning to Christina. 'Chris, how have you been?'

'Fine, thanks. You?' She replied.

'I'm good, nothing new really.' He said. They stood staring at each other for a moment before the awkwardness became too much for Katherine to bear.

'We should get going, reservation.' She said to Noah.

'Yes, don't let me keep you.' He stepped to the side and let them pass. 'Pleasure to meet you Katherine.'

'Likewise.' She smiled at him as they walked towards the stairs.

'Christina, I'll see you around.' He called.

'Yeah, bye Noah.' She said without turning back.


They were sitting down for lunch about half an hour later and Katherine needed to address the Noah encounter. 'That was awkward.' She said bluntly.

'Tell me about it. I think I need to move.' Christina said, pushing some salad around on her pate.

'No, you don't need to move.' Katherine assured her. 'But Dani was right.'

'Right about what?'

'How hot he is.' Katherine grinned. 'I can't believe this is the first time I've met him.'

'First and last.' Christina assured her.

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