Chapter 18

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"Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light." — Dylan Thomas


Amy and Katherine were still in the attic an hour later when Lauren came in. 'How's it going?' She asked, sitting on the couch and watching them work.

'Nearly there.' Amy said. 'Whilst you're here, drop some of your blood into the pot please.' Lauren did as she was told and picked the athame up from the table. She sliced her finger and let some blood fall into the mixture. It fizzed and bubbled before settling back down.

'The vanquishing potion is ready.' Katherine confirmed.

'Great.' Lauren smiled as Amy quickly healed the cut on her finger.

'Now I just need some blood from Lisa and Dani and we should be ready to try it.' Amy said.

'I'll send them up.' Lauren got to her feet.

'How's Chris?' Katherine asked.

'I don'y know.' Lauren sighed. 'She passed out again but at least she's not coughing up blood.' Lauren smiled sadly and left the room. Amy started to stir the mixture.

'This has to work.' Katherine said, watching her stir.

'It will.' Amy said, more certain than she was earlier. She had to be certain because thinking about the alternative was too much to bear. Lisa and Dani came in shortly after.

'Lauren said you needed blood.' Lisa said, grabbing the knife.

'Yeah a few drops each please.' Amy said as they began.

'Chris woke up a second ago.' Lisa told them. 'She said she was having trouble breathing.'

'It's nearly ready.' Amy assured them. When the final drop of Dani's blood hit the mixture the entire thing turned a dark shade of red and it started to smoke.

'Is it supposed to do that?' Dani asked nervously.

'Who knows.' Amy sighed and started pouring the liquid into a glass.

'I don't like that response Aimes.' Dani said.

'What do you want me to say Dan? That I have no idea if this is going to heal her or kill her?'

'No, your first answer was better.' Dani ran her hand through her hair.

'Come on, let's just get down there and try this potion.' Amy said, getting to her feet and heading out of the door.


They reached Lauren and Christina quickly. Amy knelt down by Christina's side and looked her over. Her eyes were closed and she was sweating, breathing heavily. 'Hey Chris, we have a potion to help you okay?' Amy said gently.

'Mmmm.' Christina mumbled.

'Sit up just a little bit and drink this.' Amy said. Katherine was behind Christina and helped her sit up. She opened her eyes and saw the glass. Amy tipped it up and Christina started to drink. After a few sips she had to stop to cough, trying to make the liquid go down easier.

'That's.... Horrible.' Christina complained.

'I know.' Amy laughed. 'But it's going to make you better.' Amy gently stroked her head as her eyes closed again. She looked up to Katherine and Lisa who were standing over her with worried looks on their faces. Suddenly, Christina's body went rigid, hands clenching by her sides.

'Amy, what's happening?' Dani asked, Lauren looking on from the end of the couch.

'I don't know.' Amy admitted. She had to take a step back when blue sparks shot out from Christina's hands. She sat back and watched. Christina's body convulsed a few more times and her eyes shot open.

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