Chapter 8

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"When someone breaks your trust don't feel stupid for trusting them. You didn't do anything wrong. They're just an untrustworthy person." - Sony Parker


Stephanie did stop messing with Helen but she had promised to teach Lauren the spells for use at a later date. They said goodbye to their father and Helen, after apologising again, and left the house for their car. Before they could get there, Stephanie broke the silence. 'That was fun.' She said.

'No thanks to you.' Lisa reminded her. 'It was one evening, you just had to play nice for one evening.'

'I'm sorry.' She said. 'But you were all thinking it.'

'We've said it all before!' Christina turned on her. 'This was a night for Helen, to make up for our crappy behaviour the first time around.'

'Christina...' She started.

'No, I have no problem if you want to yell at dad on your own time, that's fine by me. But we asked you one favour.' She said. 'Don't ruin this night. You can only say you're sorry so many times Aunt Steph.' Christina's voice softened. 'Some day we're just going to stop believing you.'

'And I know you used spells on Helen. I don't know what you were trying to do, but it stops.' Katherine ordered.

'Oh my God, you guys are so boring.' Stephanie protested.

'We're not boring, we're responsible.' Amy said. 'There's a difference.'

'I thought I acted like a kid, and even I think you need to grow up a bit Aunt Steph.' Dani admitted. Stephanie let out a long breath and turned to Lauren.

'When did they lose their sense of humour?' She asked and Lauren grinned.

'Enough.' Christina said before Lauren could answer. 'We're dropping you home.' She unlocked the car. 'I think we all need a break.'

'Speak for yourself.' Lauren said. 'I'm staying with Steph tonight.'

'No, you're not.' Christina said firmly.

'You're not the boss of us Chris. You don't live in the same house any more.'

'That doesn't make a difference, I'm your big sister and I'm telling you no.'

'Stephanie was only sticking up for us in there, for you.' Lauren protested. 'She was trying to help.'

'Help? By doing what? Starting a shouting match and playing magic tricks on a human?' Christina asked rhetorically.

'You're the one who should be doing that stuff, for everything dad put you through don't you think he deserves it?'

'Not like this Laur.' Christina said. 'Get in the car.'

'No.' Lauren said firmly.

'Lauren, now.' Christina ordered but Lauren stood her ground.

'Make me.' Lauren crossed her arms and stood in front of her eldest sister.

'Lauren, please get in the car.' Christina said.

'You can't tell me what to do any more Chris. Unless you want to use your powers on me?'

'I'm not going to do that.' Christina said. 'Why would you think that?'

'You didn't have any problem using them on Natalie.' Lauren reminded her. Christina took a step back at the memory and Katherine stepped in. Stephanie was watching on curiously.

'Lauren.' Katherine said. 'Get in the car, we can talk about this at home.'

'No thanks. I'm staying with Steph.' She said, pulling on her Aunts hand. 'We'll get a cab.' They started walking down the street.

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