Chapter 13

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"Study the past if you would define the future." ― Confucius


After hours of searching they were still no closer to finding the ring. Katherine had no luck with the book either, reading it front to back twice. She sighed and lent back on the couch. The attic was a mess, everything opened and magical items covering the floor. 'You know there's an easier solution for this right?' Lisa said, sitting next to Katherine.

'Yeah, we should summon mum.' Lauren agreed.

'We spoke to her last night.' Katherine told them.

'You did? Why?' Amy asked.

'Because we were worried about Lauren.' Christina said. 'We thought mum could give us a little more insight into Aunt Steph.'

'Sorry.' Lauren crossed her legs on the floor and started picking her trainers.

'Let's just try mum.' Dani said. 'If she doesn't answer we'll call back later.'

'You make it sound like she's just out for groceries.' Amy smiled.

'She might be? We don't know what they do up there.' Dani grinned back.

'Alright.' Lisa said, getting everything they needed for the spell. They recited the words and moments later Michelle appeared in front of them.

'Girls, twice in twenty-four hours.' She smiled. 'What do I owe the pleasure?'

'We know what Aunt Steph came back for.' Christina said, cutting to the chase.

'Is that right?' Michelle prompted.

'She's in a little bit of trouble with a demon, and she's promised him some ring. She said you used to use it to trap demonic powers.' Katherine explained.

'Ah yes, the ring of Lady Evangeline.' Michelle smiled.

'Who is that?' Dani asked.

'Lady Evangeline was a member of the British nobility in the seventeenth century. She married into the Royal Family, but they didn't know she was at witch. She'd found a way to enchant a ring, which allowed her to go out alone and hunt demons by rendering them powerless.'

'She sounds awesome.' Amy commented.

'She was.' Michelle confirmed. 'Your great grandmother found the ring. She then gave it to my mother, and then it was given to me.' She told them, and her expression changed. 'Why has Stephanie promised it to a demon?'

'He said he'd kill her otherwise, and now he knows about us too. The demon agreed to leave us alone as long as she gave him the ring.' Lisa explained.

'Well he's not going to leave you alone regardless, he's a demon. And he could do a lot of damage with that ring.'

'Did you find a way to remove the powers stored in it?' Christina asked.

'No, I thought about just destroying it but I tried that.' Michelle told them.

'And?' Dani prompted.

'My power, your power Christina, it wasn't strong enough. I didn't even make a dent.' She admitted.

'Holy crap, it must be strong.' Dani said. Christina bit her lip before asking;

'We need to know where it is mum, we can't find it.' She said. Michelle sighed.

'You must be very careful with it girls. It'll suck in any power it senses if it's not being controlled properly.' Michelle said.

'So the wearer can decide which powers it wants and doesn't want?' Katherine asked.

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