Chapter 7

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"Arguments are often like melodramas, they have a predictable beginning, middle, and end." - Gay Hendricks


They were standing outside of their fathers house with Aunt Stephanie by their side. She was looking skeptically at the picturesque home before turning to the girls. 'This is.....'

'Yeah.' Katherine stopped her. 'Everything you're about to say has already been said.'

'Good to know.' 

'Everyone ready for this?' Amy asked.

'No, but we're here so.' Lauren grumbled.

'Come on Laur.' Christina nudged her. 'Just stick with me okay?'

'Fine.' Lauren said as they followed Katherine and Amy down the path to the front door. Their father opened it after a few moments and greeted them, ushering them inside. He stopped slightly when he saw Stephanie step over the threshold.

'Steph, how have you been?' He asked, not trying for a hug, or even a handshake.

'Not too bad Robert.' She told him. 'You?'

'Yeah, can't complain.' He smiled awkwardly and let her in. She walked into the living room and saw the girls being greeted by a young looking blonde with a friendly smile.

'You must be Helen?' Stephanie walked over to her and held out her hand. 'I'm Stephanie, the girls Aunt from their mother's side.'

'Yes, Robert told me you'd be joining us. Welcome.' She smiled.

'Thanks.' Stephanie looked around the room. 'Lovely home you have here.' She said to Helen.

'It's not much but it's ours.' Helen said, still smiling.

'Uh-huh.' Stephanie nodded.

'So, can I get anyone drink?' Helen suggested.

'Please.' Dani answered. 'I'll have a bottle of wine.'

'Dani!' Christina slapped her playfully. 'She'll have something non-alcoholic, preferably with no sugar.'

'You're no fun.' Dani smiled at her.

'This isn't a joke is it?' Stephanie whispered to Lisa as they were led through to the dining room.

'Oh no, this is deadly serious.' Lisa assured her.

'There are pastel colours everywhere.' Stephanie noticed. 'Your dad threw a fit when your mum picked pastel coloured bridesmaid dresses.' Lisa laughed.

'He did not.' She couldn't believe it.

'He did too.' Stephanie confirmed. 'We might have to make sure he's not been brainwashed.'

'Shut up, and sit down.' Lisa laughed, pushing her into the dining room.


So far, dinner had gone off without a hitch. The food was great and the conversation stayed away from magic, drinking and just being generally offensive. But they knew it wasn't going to stay that way for the entire night. 'So, how long are you in town for Steph?' Robert asked.

'I'm not sure yet. I'm renting a place in the city so for a little while I expect.'

'What are you doing for work?' He asked curiously.

'Oh I'm not working at the moment.' She told him.

'Okay, but how are you affording everything?' He asked.

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