Chapter 2

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"Persons in dysfunctional families characteristically do not feel because they learned fro a young age that not feeling is necessary for psychic survival. Family members generally learn that it is too painful to feel the hurt or to experience the fear that comes from feelings of rage, abandonment, moments of terror, and memories of horror." - Kathleen Heide


Two hours later they had moved their conversation into the living room and they had ordered pizza from the local takeaway. Christina had been watching and listening to everyone converse with their Aunt. 'Where have you been all this time?' Lisa asked.

'Oh, here and there.' Stephanie said. 'I did some soul searching after your mother passed. I've been to Europe, Asia, Africa.' She said.

'Sounds amazing. Your teleporting power must have come in handy.' Katherine commented.

'It was and it did. Some of the magical creatures out there are fascinating.' Stephanie told them. 'I learnt so much, made some new friends.'

'Why are you back now?' Christina asked.

'Chris.' Lauren slapped her knee gently.

'It's okay Lauren.' Stephanie put down the pizza slice she was half way through.

'I missed home. I missed you guys.' She said. 'And I'm not as young as I was. These old bones need a break.'

'Please, you're the baby, like me.' Dani said. 'What are you now, forty-seven?'

'Forty-eight.' She amended. 'I was twenty when Christina was born. 'You are twenty-eight?'

'Yeah, I am.' Christina confirmed.

'Which means Dani's not in her twenties yet, and Lauren must be almost twenty-one?'

'Almost, a few more months.' Lauren said.

'We'll have to do something special, you only turn twenty-one once.' Stephanie grinned at her.

'You're planning on staying that long?' Christina asked, not mentioning that her birthday was the same day as Lauren's.

'I found a place to rent in the city.' Stephanie said. 'I feel like I need to be here for a while, near my family.'

'That's great Aunt Steph, happy to have you back.' Amy smiled at her.

'Well, as much fun as this is. I do really need to get going now.' Christina stood.

'See you soon?' Lisa looked at her and she smiled.

'Yeah Lise, we'll get coffee or something during the week okay?'

'Sounds good.' Lisa agreed. Stephanie stood up as well and turned to Christina.

'Can we have a chat before you go? In private?' She requested.

'Sure, why not.' Christina sighed.

'I'll be back in a sec everyone.' Stephanie smiled and followed Christina out the front door, closing it gently behind them.

'What's up?' Christina turned to face her as she pulled her jacket over her shoulders.

'Why aren't you living here any more?' Stephanie asked.

'I'm a grown woman, I wanted my own space.' Christina said, knowing this was coming.

'You're all grown women Christina, no one else has moved out.'

'Excuse me, you've been gone for over ten years and now you want to lecture me about my life choices? What gives you the right?' Christina glared at her angrily.

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