Chapter 20

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"Sometimes I feel like if you just watch things, just sit still and let the world exist in front of you - sometimes I swear that just for a second time freezes and the world pauses in its tilt. Just for a second. And if you somehow found a way to live in that second, then you would live forever." ― Lauren Oliver


One week later.

Christina was staring out of the kitchen window with a cup of coffee in her hand. She had been staying with her sisters ever since she was poisoned and had no desire to go anywhere else. She still wasn't fully recovered. She couldn't use her powers for very long and there were a few sleepless nights of vomiting and shivering, but she was getting better. They hadn't heard anything from Aunt Stephanie since she stole the ring of Lady Evangeline. 'Couldn't sleep again?' Lauren asked as she came into the kitchen. Christina turned to face her.

'Not really.' Christina admitted. 'I was up at four puking so.'

'Eww, sorry.' Lauren said as she poured herself a cup of coffee and joined her sister at the table. Christina went back to looking out of the window and Lauren studied her. 'You don't look right.'

'Thank you sister.' Christina smiled.

'No, I mean...' Lauren tried to correct herself but Christina stopped her.

'I know what you mean Laur. It's okay.' Christina assured her. Her complexion was still a little off, and she had lost a lot of weight. Her eyes were constantly tired and her body ached. 'I'm getting better.'

'I know you are. I just wish it wasn't taking this long.' Lauren said.

'Give me your hand.' Christina said. Lauren obliged and lent across the table. Christina held on to it and closed her eyes. After a moment she opened them and they were bright blue. There was a blue light in between their palms which turned into a small trail of energy when they separated. 'Make me something pretty.' Christina said. Lauren smiled and started playing with the energy in her hands. Christina watched as Lauren swirled around the energy and made it into the shape of a flower. 'You're getting good at that.' Christina commended.

'Well, I have a great teacher.' Lauren smiled as the energy faded. They had worked out that Lauren wasn't able to copy anyone else power, only Christina's. They had a chat with their mother who did wonder if something like this was going to happen when Lauren was born. She explained that shared powers normally only worked with twins, but seeing as they were born on the same day many years apart, the power took a little longer to manifest in Lauren and it wasn't as strong. But she could borrow Christina's power for periods at a time and her body was able to hold onto the power for a little while. Then they heard their other sister calling from the living room.

'Guys, get in here now!' Katherine yelled. Lauren looked to Christina before helping her up and walking through to the living room.

'It's a little early for yelling Katherine.' Dani said as she bounced down the stairs with Lisa and Amy following.

'This needs yelling about.' Katherine assured her as they took seats around the room. 'This was in the post box.' She held up a small, purple envelope. 'It's Aunt Steph's handwriting.' This got their attention and they were all listening as Katherine began to read.

'Girls, first of all I want to say that I'm sorry. Sorry for not telling you the truth, sorry for the way I had to leave. Christina, I meant what I said when your mother would be proud, and I didn't want to use my magic on you but.....'

'Do we really need to hear this?' Lauren said, cutting her off.

'Yes Laur, we do.' Lisa said. 'Carry on Kath.' Katherine did.

'But I knew that you'd never let me leave no matter how hurt you were. I have to get my power back and I think there's a version of it in the ring. I hope you can understand one day. I love you.'

'That's a load of bullshit.' Dani said.

'How does she think she's going to get that ring open? Mum, Chris and Lisa couldn't do it.' Lauren wondered.

'Part of me wants to just forget about her and let her get on with it.' Amy said.

'We need to try and keep track of her.' Christina reminded them. 'Just in case she does get it open. I don't think she has any idea what she's releasing. Those powers could end up anywhere.'

'Well, now that I've got an idea of what she wants to do I could probably keep trying to locate her. She might turn up.' Lauren said.

'Good idea.' Katherine agreed, sitting herself down next to Lisa. 'Are you okay Chris? I heard you in the bathroom this morning.'

'Sorry about that.' Christina said, a little embarrassed.

'Don't be sorry. You can come and get me if you need to, any of us.' Katherine reiterated.

'I know.' Christina said. 'And I don't think I ever thanked you for saving me, again.' She said as Amy lent into her side.

'That's what sisters are for.' Amy said.

'When do you think you'll go home?' Dani asked. 'Not that I want you to.' She added quickly.

'I don't know.' Christina said.

'You can stay here as long as you like.' Lisa said.

'I think I should move back in.' Christina said abruptly. They all looked at her. 'Not forever, but since Lauren has this new power and I'm the only one she can copy, I feel like I should be here.'

'I'd love that.' Lauren said, taking her arm on the other side.

'It'll be nice to have you back Chris.' Katherine confirmed.

'Maybe I can rent the apartment out, make a little more money.' She shrugged.

'What about Noah? Won't he miss you?' Amy asked.

'Noah is not in the picture any more.' Christina said.

'The three messages from him on your phone this morning tell another story.' Dani said.

'Dan, you've been in my phone?' Christina looked at her accusingly.

'I couldn't help it if I just happened to be there when the messages flashed up.' Dani shrugged. 'And you should really tone down the flirting, it's pretty gross.' Dani grinned as Christina threw a cushion at her. She laughed at her little sister before a cough hit her. She lent forwards, kind of coughing, kind of laughing.

'Dan, don't make me do that.' She said, leaning back and wiping away a tear, still grinning.

'Sorry.' Dani said. 'Just go out with the guy for God's sake. It would put us all out of our misery.' Dani got up and started to leave the room. 'But it will be great to have you back.

'Okay I have to go to work.' Lisa said, getting up.

'Me too.' Amy sighed but didn't move.

'Aimes, you kind of need to let go of me before you go to work.' Christina said, looking down at her.

'Five more minutes.' Amy snuggled in to her side.

'You're going to regret moving back in here Chris.' Katherine joked, getting up and leaving Christina with Amy and Lauren clinging on. She lent back and closed her eyes, wishing time would stop for a little while in that moment.

The End.

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