Chapter 3

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"It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realise that the people you've known forever don't see things the way you do." - Nicholas Sparks.


Dinner that evening was going well. They had gone out to a new restaurant in town specialising in Greek food. Christina was working, but had agreed to try and make it, so there was a spare seat for her at the table. Lauren and Dani were telling Stephanie about school, and Lisa had explained how to plan the perfect funeral, which Stephanie found fascinating. 'So, where's the favourite place you've been Aunt Steph?' Amy asked after the main courses had been cleared away.

'Probably Rome.' She admitted. 'It was full of history and culture, and I met a witch there who could change the weather.'

'We met a witch like that last year.' Katherine said.

'I think Europe generally is wonderful.'

'London was nice.' Lisa said. 'Until we stumbled upon a demonic fight club.'

'A fight club?' Stephanie looked at her.

'Yeah, we couldn't believe it either.' Dani said. 'But it was cool, we took it down.'

'I'm very impressed girls, and a little sad that I wasn't here to help and watch you grow.'

'It's okay, you'd just lost a sister.' Lauren said.

'I know, but it wasn't very good timing for me to leave. I hope your father handled it better than I did.' She smiled but there was a silence over the table. 'What?'

'Dad kind of had a break down, left for a bit and came back an alcoholic.' Amy said.

'Oh dear.' Stephanie said, putting her wine glass down. 'What did you girls do? Your other Aunts went back to their homes across the country right after the funeral.'

'Chris took over. She was eighteen so she just held down the fort until he came back.' Katherine said. 'I tried to help, but you know Chris.'

'She's a pain in the ass with that stubbornness of hers, just like Michelle was.' Stephanie smiled. 'How is Robert now?'

'He lives not too far from here, has a new girlfriend.' Lauren said bitterly.

'You don't sound happy about that?' Stephanie observed.

'He's an idiot.' Lauren added. 'So is she.'

'Lauren, now is not the time.' Katherine told her. 'She's a perfectly nice woman, but a little younger than dad.'

'Oh a gold-digger.' Stephanie said, causing Lisa to snort out some of her drink in laughter.

'No, not a gold-digger.' Katherine assured her.

'We hope.' Amy added and they all laughed. The laughter died down and Stephanie looked to the empty seat.

'I suggest we order desert. If your sister isn't here by now, then she's not coming.' Stephanie sighed.

'We're sorry about Chris.' Lisa said. 'She's just...'

'I know. She was the same when she was a teenager. One little rebellious stage at seventeen but that seemed to pass quickly. She's stubborn, like I said.' Stephanie took another sip of wine.

'She does take care of us.' Lauren wanted to reiterate that to Stephanie.

'If you say so.' Stephanie said to Lauren, who wasn't sure what to make of that response.

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