Chapter 6

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"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody, is to trust them." - Ernest Hemingway


Stephanie took a breath before knocking on the door to Lauren's room. 'Lauren, can I come in?' She asked through the wood.

'If you have too.' Lauren replied. Stephanie pushed open the door and Lauren was lying on her bed with her laptop out. 'What?' She said as she saw her Aunt enter.

'I wanted to apologise. I should have told you I'd lost my power.'

'Yeah you should have.' Lauren agreed.

'I didn't mean to keep it from you, I just didn't know the right time to say something like that.'

'I get that your embarrassed or whatever, but if Chris had known you couldn't teleport she might not have gotten hurt.'

'You have a healer now.' Stephanie reminded her.

'Not the point.' Lauren growled.

'I know, and yes I should have said something sooner.'

'You need to thank Chris for saving your ass too.' Lauren said.

'I will and watch your language.' Stephanie scolded.

'Sorry.' Lauren lent back on her bed frame. 'You know if you behave yourself The Supremes will give you your power back.'

'I fear I'm too far gone for that.' Stephanie said.

'No one is ever too far gone.' Lauren assured her.

'Maybe, but breaking the rules is too much fun. I'm going to enjoy the magic I have left.' She smiled. She looked at Lauren's old laptop. 'I think you need a new laptop.' She motioned to the crack on the screen and the whirring noise it was making.

'Well, computers are expensive.' Lauren reminded her.

'Not for me they aren't. Stephanie grinned, holding up her plastic card.

'No, we can't.' Lauren said. 'It's against the rules.'

'And I just told you, I don't play by the rules. Come on.' She pulled Lauren up and they went downstairs. They called to the others that they were going out into town. Katherine looked to Christina as they passed.

'Shall I get the wine or do you want to?' Katherine asked. Christina smiled and went into the kitchen.


Lauren and Stephanie came back an hour later with several bags. Lauren quickly bounded up the stairs and put them in her room. Stephanie joined everyone in the living room and poured herself a glass of wine. 'Fun trip?' Lisa asked.

'Yes, and quite productive.' She confirmed.

'Did you use actual money this time?' Christina asked.

'I knew they'd told you.' Stephanie looked around the room. 'And yes, scouts honour.' She said.

'You weren't a scout.' Dani reminded her.

'Well the sentiment applies.' She assured them. Lauren came and joined them a moment later.

'Did you get anything exciting Laur?' Amy asked.

'Just some clothes, books for school.' She said, sitting between Amy and Katherine.

'What, no fashion show?' Lisa joked.

'I'll show you later.' She told them.

'Oh, Aunt Steph.' Dani remembered. 'I spoke to dad and he said you can come to dinner with us.' Christina and Kathrine shared a glance.

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