Chapter 15

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"The only way to overcome fear is to have courage. Because you're not going to get rid of fear. It's not going to go away. But it can overtake you. Or you can overtake it." ― Colette Butler


Christina was sitting in the living room reading though their book when Stephanie came in and joined her. She stood at the end of the sofa for a moment and watched her eldest niece. 'Is this seat taken?' She asked.

'Nope, all yours.' Christina said, still flipping through pages.

'What are you looking for?' Stephanie asked, sitting down next to her.

'Another way to defeat this demon, or anything to destroy the ring.' Christina said. 'Something so that Lisa doesn't have to worry about using her power.'

'She's going to have to learn to control it eventually.' Stephanie said. Christina let out a breath and looked to her Aunt.

'And she will. But sometimes if you throw people straight in at the deep end they don't swim, they drown.'

'Are you worried it won't work?' Stephanie asked.

'Of course I am. And I don't even care about the demon at this point, I care about my sister being scarred for life if something does go wrong and she hurts someone. She'd never forgive herself.'

'I understand you now Christina.' Stephanie said.

'No you don't.' Christina scowled. 'You haven't been here long enough. You've been just long enough to cause a bunch of trouble that we have to fix. And when it's all over you'll probably disappear again.' Christina looked at her. 'Tell me I'm wrong?' Stephanie didn't respond but she did look away. 'Thought so.'

'I know you want to protect them.' Stephanie said. 'You're just like your mother, always on the front line before anyone else.' Christina went back to her book. 'I do love you Christina and I don't want you to end up like Michelle.'

'I won't.' Christina said firmly.

'You seem very sure of that.'

'Aunt Steph, after everything I've been through, it's going to take a lot to kill me.' Christina said.

'Do you think you could destroy that thing on your own?' Stephanie pointed to the ring.

'You said mum couldn't.' Christina reminded her.

'Yes, but she didn't have added power like you do.' Stephanie said. 'You could try and it could all be over without involving your sisters, if that's what you really want to do.' Christina stood up and looked down at her.

'You're really something Aunt Steph.' Christina shook her head.

'Whatever do you mean?' Stephanie looked at her, confused.

'You love putting ideas in people's heads. I bet it worked great for you on your travels.'

'Christina that's not what I'm doing, I'm just saying that you.....' Christina cut her off.

'I don't want to hear it. I'm going to talk to my sisters about a plan and we'll decide on one together.' Christina said firmly. The book is in her arms and she leaves the room. Stephanie was stilling alone for a moment when Lauren came in. Stephanie noticed her and turned, smiling a little.

'How much of that did you hear?'

'All of it.' Lauren admitted. 'I didn't mean to eavesdrop.' Lauren moved over to sit opposite her. 'Was Chris right, about you leaving when all of this is over?'

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