Chapter 17

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"Poison is not merciful towards people who have consumed it unknowingly." ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana


Lisa and Katherine had firmed up the barriers around the house whilst Lauren and Dani got Christina to the couch. Amy was still trying to figure out what was wrong with her, and they were all trying to figure out what Lauren had just done. 'It was like you copied her power for a little bit.' Lisa said as they all sat in the living room.

'I wasn't trying too.' Lauren said. 'I was thinking that the demon was coming and we were screwed.'

'You were scared.' Katherine said. 'That's the running theme when our new powers kick in.'

'But I'm scared a lot of the time and I don't get new powers. Do you think I'll be able to do it again?' Lauren asked.

'Probably.' Katherine confirmed. 'And maybe it happened this time because it was meant to, it was just the right time.'

'Will it just be Chris, or do you think she can copy any power?' Dani asked.

'I guess we won't know until she tries.' Katherine said. 'And we won't know how long it lasts either.'

'It made me feel weak, like it does with Chris. It was the strangest feeling.' Lauren admitted.

'Right now it's Chris I'm worried about.' Amy said. She sat back on her heels and tried to think of anything else she could do. 'Dani can you go and get the book? I think there was some sort of poison attached to the energy ball he hit her with, and I need to see if we have any potions to cure it.'

'Yeah.' Dani said, jumping up and bounding up the stairs. She came back down a moment later and noticed something. 'Hey, there's demon blood on the floor.' She pointed out. There was a dark green substance on the floor by the door, a trail of it from where Seth ran.

'I'll try and scoop some up.' Katherine stood. 'Maybe we can see if the potion works with blood instead of flesh.' She went to get something to soak the blood up with.

'What I'd like to know is, if the demon can poison people like this, why did he only poison Chris? Why not do the same thing to all of us?' Lisa asked.

'Because.' Aunt Stephanie said from the doorway. They all turned to look at her. 'He only gets one of those a day. After twenty-four hours he'll have another one. It's a regenerative power.'

'Aunt Steph.' Lauren stood as she came into the room.

'Seth scans for the most power in a room and takes it out first.' She looked down to Christina whose skin had started to turn the same pale green as the poison. 'Oh dear.'

'That's an understatement.' Amy said.

'Why didn't you tell us this before?' Lisa asked.

'I guess it just slipped my mind.' Stephanie admitted. 'I'm so sorry.' Katherine came back in and soaked up the blood from the floor. Stephanie watched. 'Are you going to make a potion with that? I can help.'

'You've helped enough, Aunt Steph.' Lauren said. 'You shouldn't have bothered coming back.'

'Girls, please let me do something.'

'No.' Lauren said firmly. 'And if Chris dies, I'm never going to forgive you.'

'Aunt Steph, go home.' Katherine said gently, standing beside her. 'I'll call you when we've figured this out.' Stephanie turned to her and nodded before leaving the house. Amy had started flipping through the book when they heard Christina. She coughed and tried to open her eyes. Dani was over her in a second trying to reassure her.

'Hey Chris, you're okay.' She said, helping Christina lean over. She coughed some more before settling back down.

'What...... happened?' She asked.

'You were poisoned by a demon.' Dani told her.

'Great.' Christina closed her eyes and swallowed but her throat was dry. 'Everyone.... okay?' She asked.

'Yeah we're fine. And Lauren borrowed your power for a little bit.' Lisa smiled.

'Huh?' Christina turned to look at Lauren.

'Don't worry.' Lauren said. 'I'll explain when you're better.'

'Amy can't....' Christina asked.

'No. I tried and it didn't work.' Amy told her, still searching the book.

'Okay.' Christina put her head back down and stared up to the ceiling.

'We have some of Seth's blood so we can make the vanquishing potion and hope that's enough.' Katherine said. She sat down opposite Dani, who was holding Christina's hand as she lie on the couch. Her eyes had closed again.

'Guys, she's really warm. And clammy.' Dani said, rubbing the back of Christina's hand comfortingly.

'Any luck Aimes?' Lauren asked.

'There's a few potions in here to cure poison but I don't know which one to use.' She admitted. Another wave of coughing rocked Christina's body. She put her hand over her mouth as she lent forwards. When she pulled it away there were splashes of blood in her palm.

'That's.... not good.' She sighed, taking deep breaths as nausea threatened to take over.

'Just try to rest. Let us figure this out okay?' Amy smiled at her, rubbing her shoulder before getting up. She jerked her head for the others to follow her into the kitchen. Dani stayed with Christina but the rest of them left.


Amy put the book down on the kitchen counter and lent on the side. She took a deep breath and composed herself. 'Amy, what is it?' Katherine asked, concerned. 'You said there were potions we could use to heal her.'

'There are.' Amy told them.

'So what's the problem?' Lauren wondered.

'There are no records of how well they work, or if they work. The only potion that's been tried and recorded, resulted in the victim going blind.'

'That's not good.' Lisa said. 'We can't risk that one.'

'But we don't know what the others might do.' Amy said.

'We have to do something.' Katherine said.

'What if we try one and it makes her worse?' Amy asked.

'But if we don't do anything she will die.' Lisa reminded her. 'We can't afford to not do anything.'

'Just go with your best judgement Aimes, that's all Chris would want.' Lauren tried to smile reassuringly. Amy let out a deep breath and opened the book again. She pointed to the potion on the back of a page. 

'This one is my most confident guess. It can be used after demonic smoke bombs.' Lisa pulled the book around and read the potion.

'It aerates the blood, gets out the toxic stuff.' Lisa looked to her.

'Yeah, it's supposed to.' Amy said. 'The smoke around his energy kind of looked like a smoke bomb, so.'

'It's a good plan Aimes.' Katherine said. 'What do we need for the potion?'

'We have the stuff upstairs.' Amy assured them. 'But we'll all need to donate a little blood.'

'Say no more.' Lauren nodded. 'Get it started and we'll come up when you need us.'

'I'll come with you and make the vanquishing potion.' Katherine said.

'Do you need any help?' Lisa asked.

'No, go and stay with Chris, keep her company.' Katherine smiled.

'I'll be as quick as I can.' Amy assured them before she and Katherine headed up to the attic. 

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