Chapter 14

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'Sisters take care of each other, watch out for each other, comfort for each other and are there for each other through thick and thin.' - Unknown


The next morning Christina woke up in the attic. She had managed to fall asleep on the sofa but she wasn't sure when. She could hear noises from below her so assumed that at lest some of her sisters were up. She pushed herself into a sitting position as Dani came into the room. She was carrying two mugs of coffee. 'Hey sleepyhead.' Dani plopped down next to her and handed her a mug.

'Thanks. What time is it?' Christina asked.

'Like, eleven.' Dani told her, sipping her coffee. 'I saw you earlier but you seemed tired so, I let you sleep.'

'I don't even know what time I went to sleep.' Christina said.

'From the bags under your eyes I think it was some time this morning.' Dani looked around the very tidy attic. 'This place looks great though.'

'Is Steph up?' Christina asked.

'Yeah, she's in the kitchen telling demon hunting stories.' Dani told her. Christina nodded, holding the warm mug to her chest.

'Dan, do you think I've done a shitty job teaching you guys how to be witches?' She asked her. Dani looked at her, somewhat in surprise.

'Of course not, why are you asking that?' Dani wondered.

'I'm serious. You can be honest with me. Do you think I should have taken more time to actually teach you how to use spells, write your own spells.'

'You were fine Chris, you did teach us.' Dani assured her. 'Kath and Lisa have experience too, you all help us. We help each other, that's how it's always worked.'

'But I could have done more, I know I could have.' Christina was still cradling her mug and looking off somewhere in her own mind. Dani snapped her fingers in front of Christina's face.

'Wake up!' Dani yelled, bringing her back to the present. 'I'm going to kill Lauren.'

'Dani, don't.' Christina warned.

'This all started when Aunt Steph got in her head.'

'She has some good points.' Christina said.

'No she doesn't.' Dani argued. 'Steph has no idea.' Dani got up and left the room before Christina could call her off.


Dani stormed into the kitchen like a woman on a mission. Stephanie was sitting at the counter, the rest of the girls in various positions throughout the room. She was telling them a story about a demon she'd fought with their mother when Dani stopped in front of her. 'Danielle, what's up?' Stephanie asked.

'You need to stop.' Dani said.

'Stop what?' Stephanie queried.

'All the lies you're telling Lauren, about how you think witches should be taught, about everything you think Chris is doing wrong.' Dani was about as angry as they'd seen her.

'Dani.' Lauren stood from her seat at the kitchen table but Dani turned on her.

'And you.' She pointed at Lauren. 'Stop making Chris doubt herself.'

'I just want to learn more spells, you have no idea what it's like to feel useless.'

'I think you'll find I've been pretty useless for the past seventeen years.' Dani reminded her.

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