Chapter 11

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"Good ideas can also be bad choices." ― Carlos Wallace


The next day after school Lauren did tell Dani and her sisters that she was staying behind to do some extra work. Dani was a little suspicious, and offered to stay with her, but Lauren managed to convince her that she was only going to do some reading. She sat in the library for about fifteen minutes to make sure Dani had really left, before picking up her bag and heading over to her Aunt's place. She felt a slight pang of guilt as she walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. Stephanie opened quickly with a great smile on her face. 'You decided to come.' She said happily.

'Yeah, I feel kind of bad about it though.' Lauren admitted.

'You'll feel better when you see what spell I've picked for you.' She grinned, pulling her into the apartment.

'What is it?' Lauren asked curiously. She put her bag and her coat on the dining table before following her Aunt into the living room. There was an old spell book open on the table. Stephanie knelt on the floor in front of the coffee table and beckoned Lauren to do the same.

'We're going to blow something up.' Stephanie told her.

'Seriously?' Lauren beamed.

'See that candle over there?' She pointed and Lauren nodded. 'You can make that explode from the inside out. You just need to focus and repeat after me. It does take quite a bit of energy though.' She smiled and said; 'Praemium.' She directed her energy towards the candle and it did explode. Lauren jumped back in surprise and Stephanie let out a breath.

'That's so cool.' Lauren said. Stephanie got up and put another candle in the same position.

'Right, your turn.' Stephanie said. 'Focus your energy towards the candle and, as you say the spell, tell it what you want it to do. Lauren did so, looking at the candle and really focusing. After a moment she said;

'Praemium.' And tried to make the candle explode, but nothing happened. She let out a breath and looked to Stephanie.

'It's okay, I couldn't get it the first time either. We have lots of time to practice.' She smiled, patting Lauren on the shoulder. 


Three hours later Lauren was still at Stephanie's place trying to make the exploding spell work. She was getting more and more frustrated with each failed attempt. Her phone went off in her bag, for the fourth time, and she went over to read the message. 'Kath wants to know when I'll be home.' She said, turning to Steph.

'Just be vague, tell her soon.' Stephanie said.

'That is not going to work with Kath, she loves specifics.' Lauren sighed. 'I'm not getting this anyway; I think I'm just going to go.'

'Don't give up so easily Lauren. No one ever achieved anything by quitting.' Stephanie said.

'I'm not quitting, I'm taking a break, we've been at this for hours. I'll come back.' Lauren assured her.

'Fine.' Stephanie sighed. 'Maybe I'll think of a different spell to try.' 

Lauren was just about to leave after saying goodbye to her Aunt when the door exploded in on them. They were thrown backwards, landing on the ground heavily. Lauren pushed herself up and the man with the grey eyes was stepping through the destroyed doorway. 'Aunt Steph.' Lauren fumbled around for her until they gripped hands.

'It's alright Lauren.' She assured her as they both got to their feet. Stephanie pushed Lauren slightly behind her and faced the demon. 'Seth, I told you...' She started, but he cut her off.

'And I told you, I'm done waiting.' He growled, eyes turning a sinister red colour.

'I just need a little more time.' Stephanie assured him.

'You're out of time.' He said, stepping forwards aggressively and sending another blast of energy towards them. Once again they were sent backwards, crashing into the wall. Lauren hit her head as she collided with it, loosing her bearings as she slipped down to the floor. She rolled onto her side and watched as Aunt Stephanie got to her feet.

'Please, don't hurt the girls.' She begged. Lauren could see her hand behind her back, she was preparing a spell.

'If it motivates you to get the job done quicker, I'll hurt them all.' He promised. Stephanie pulled her hand around and opened her palm.

'Caecus dolor!' She yelled as a bright light came out of her hand and blinded the demon. He recoiled back and covered his eyes. This gave Stephanie enough time to pull Lauren up to her feet and hurry down the fire escape.


Christina came to her door and opened it quickly as the frantic knocking was not stopping. She had prepared an energy ball just in case, but let her power fade when she saw Stephanie and Lauren on the other side. She noticed Lauren holding the back of her head with a pained look on her face. 'Hey Chris.' She said. Christina looked to Lauren before glaring at her Aunt.

'Get in here.' Christina said, ushering them through. Lauren sat on the couch and put her head in her hands. Christina sat next to her whilst Stephanie stood by, biting her nails. 'What happened?'

'Demon attacked.' Lauren told her. 'Hit my head against a wall.' Christina moved her hand to the back of Lauren's head.

'You're not bleeding, but there's a pretty good bump.' She sighed. 'Let's go to the house, Amy can heal you.' Christina stood up and got her keys from their hanger. She stopped as Stephanie held out her hands.

'I know you're angry...' Stephanie tried to defend herself.

'Don't say a word, Aunt Steph. I am angry, and all I want to do is yell at you.' Christina closed her eyes briefly. 'But not now. Once Lauren is healed, you're going to explain yourself and then I'm going to yell. Got it?'

'Yeah, got it.' Stephanie said. 'I'm just so sorry, I never....'

'Steph!' Christina glared at her as she helped Lauren up under the arm. 'I don't want to hear it.' She repeated before leading them both out of the apartment.

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