Chapter 19

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'There is no greater blessing than a family hand that lifts you from a fall; but there is not lower curse than a family hand that strikes you when you're down.' - Wes Fessler


'Why do we think Seth is here?' Lisa asked as they entered their Aunts apartment.

'Because, he may have gone to find Aunt Steph when he realised she wasn't with us.' Katherine said. 'And I really have no other ideas.' She sighed.

'Well it doesn't look like he's here, or Aunt Steph.' Lauren said.

'We need to find Seth before he can generate another poison attack.' Amy said.

'You don't have to look far.' Said a voice from behind them. They turned and saw Seth in the doorway. He was still bleeding a little from the blast Lauren had sent into him earlier.

'That doesn't look so good.' Lisa said, noticing the blood seeping out of his hand.

'Pretty sure I'm doing better than your sister.' He grinned. 'Has the poison set in yet?'

'That's none of your concern.' Katherine said.

'I suppose killing one of you would be a good days work. If you give me the ring, however, I might be able to find an antidote for you?'

'Yeah, no thanks.' Dani said.

'Then you get to watch her die.' He growled. 'And you can trust me when I say it's going to be slow and painful.' He sent his arm out and a blast of air was thrown towards them. Katherine put up her shield and deflected it, sending a ripple across the apartment. He quickly followed up his attack with the rapid firing of regular energy balls. Dani was able to throw a few of them aside but one got through and clipped her shoulder. She hit the back wall with a thump, Amy by her side in a moment. Lisa was standing with her arms out, concentrating. She was willing the dark power to manifest. Seth saw that she was doing something and sent energy balls at her, but Lauren was there with her arm out and a blue wall of energy in front of them. The energy balls hit it and exploded on impact. Lauren watched in awe as the power surged through her.

'This is so cool.' Lauren said.

'Don't use too much Laur, we don't know how long you're going to last!' Katherine reminded her.

'Right.' Lauren let the energy fade and they saw the look on the demon's face.

'How?' He queried, just as a dark beam of energy hit him in the chest. They watched as Lisa stepped forwards and directed her power into him. It filled his eyes up with darkness before he exploded. They all covered their faces and turned away as he was vanquished in front of them. After a moment of silence they all regrouped.

'Didn't need the potion after all.' Dani joked. Lisa looked at them with her dark eyes.

'Lise, you in there?' Amy asked.

'Yeah.' Lisa nodded. She closed her eyes and started to make the power go away, but it shot back into her. She stumbled backwards but Amy grabbed her arm and started to settle the power. Lisa's eyes returned to normal. 'Thanks Aimes.'

'No problem.' Amy smiled. 'You nearly had it.'

'I'll get it next time.' Lisa nodded.

'Yeah you will.' Dani grinned. 'That was awesome.'

'We should get back to Chris.' Lauren said. 'Before the neighbours come out and see that we've trashed this place.' They looked around and the demonic explosion had caused some damage, the door was destroyed and the windows had blown out.

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