Chapter 15: Bad Nights

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I woke up covered in sweat. Why? I can't remember. I just remember the pain... the fear. I don't know what it was... but I was scared. I ripped off the hot blanket and sat up. I rubbed my face to wake me up. I looked over to the alarm clock beside my bed.

3:21 am

I groaned. I stood up from my bed and slowly made my way to my bedroom door. I walked downstairs towards the kitchen. I walked past all the boxes. We're moving to Malibu. Dad built a private house somewhere in Malibu a while back. He just added his suits in it. I grabbed myself a glass of water. I heard something from the work lab. I took one last drink and sat my glass on the counter. I knew he was awake. He don't sleep much... even after all that has happened.

It's been a week since New York and Dad hasn't had a good night sleep since. I walked downstairs. I watched as Dad worked on his new suit quietly. I think he's on Mark 11, which is crazy! He made 3 suits in a week! I realized it was too quiet. Where's the music playing softly? He usually plays music softly at night, not to wake Pep or me. He looked extremely exhausted. I sighed. Dad jumped as he spun around to see me. He smiled, which I know was fake.

"Hey kid." He put down his screw driver and turned his attention to me. I crossed my arms and gave him a look. He caught on. He sighed. I walked over to my chair. I sat down. Dad leaned against the table, head in his hands.

"You need to sleep." I spoke up after a moment of silence. He chuckled lightly. I tilted my head.

"You sound just like Pepper..." he shook his head. My eyes softened. He sat up straight as he stretched. He groaned.

"Dad... are they bad?" I asked with concern. Dad looked over at me. I raised my eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

"They... they seem to be getting worse. I don't know what to do Hope. Ever since the portal... New York." Dads voice hitched. I was about to tell him to stop, but he shook his head. "Ever since that cave, my life has changed. Ever since I went into space, I haven't had a good sleep. I've put you and Pepper in danger many times. The dreams keep coming and I can't do anything about them. I-I can't focus most of the time. I-."

"Sir's heartbeat is increasing at an alarming rate." J.A.R.V.I.S 's voice spoke up.

"Dad calm down." I was now beside him. His breath was beginning to increase and a very thin layer of sweat appeared. He was gonna have a anxiety attack, but he's starting to calm down. "Just breath... in, out."

He followed my breathing as he closed his eyes. His shoulder were still tense. I rubbed them gently. He slowing relaxed. His eyes still closed. He shook his head, waking himself up. He's having flashbacks about New York. Pepper and I want him to go to a doctor, but he won't go. His egos still as big as ever. I asked J.A.R.V.I.S to keep an eye on him for me. Record anything out of the ordinary. I asked him to run diagnostic, but he hasn't told me. I think Dad told him not too.

"Think about all the good things. You have become less selfish-."

"Gee, Thanks Hope." He rolled his eyes. I chuckled, but then frowned.

"Dad... none of this is your fault. I have no idea what I would do without you. When you disappeared... I thought you were gone. I was so scared you wouldn't come back. When you did... you changed. You became someone who would sacrifice your life for someone else. Steve said your not the person, but you are. You sacrificed your life for the city. You saved us. We won because of you. Pepper and I don't care about all the danger, we still care about you. You are our family. You are all we have. It's always been us. You have no idea how much you mean to me. You took care of me, after all these years. It's my turn to take care of you. Come sleep with me. I can keep the dreams from coming, but just for tonight. One good sleep. Please."

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