Chapter 19: Bucky Barnes

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"Come on Steve! For having super speed, you move like the old man you are!" I ushered the old man to hurry.

We walked through the streets of Washington DC. We had on baseball caps, hoodies, and sun glasses. We gotta be discreet you know.

I could see him roll his eyes. He didn't have sunglasses, but I did.

I smirked as the Smithsonian came into sight. Steve chuckled.

"If I knew this is where you were taking me, I wouldn't have come. I've been here before Hope. It is my life, I'm pretty sure you can ask me about it." We walked toward the door.

"I know, but I want to see it still. I brought you along to explain some stuff. And I have something really important to tell you." We walked to the Captain America exhibit.

We bought our tickets and made our way through. I smiled as I saw the Howling Commandos. Steve's old suit stood in the middle as the others along side him. On his left was Bucky's.

I smiled softly. I saw Steve look at them with a off look. He misses them.

I sighed.

We walked toward Steve's section. I saw a screen showing Steve really skinny and short.  I ran towards it, Steve in tow. I looked back at him. I was 5'7 feet and pre-serum Steve was 5'4.

"Steve, look how small you were..." I gushed. Steve blushed, embarrassed.

"Hope, I was a grown man in that picture... was I really that small? I don't remember being THAT small." He squinted at it. The screen slowly changed to post-serum Steve. 6'2 feet... 6'2 feet! What the hell!?

"What kinda steroids they give you Rogers!?" I whispered in disbelief. Steve stood there awkwardly.

I laughed.

I noticed the cardboard cut out of pre-serum Steve. I quickly ran to hit and held it close to me.

"I need this." I told Steve seriously.

"No." Steve grabbed me, but I held onto the cardboard cut out. "Hope let go."

"No. This would go perfectly in my room."

"You are going to be the death of me." Steve shook his head before he ripped us apart.

"Noo! My friend... I'll be back for you!" I stretched my arm out to it.

"No you won't." He dragged me along.

I smirked up at him. He glared at me.

I looked over and saw Bucky's small section.

I slowly made Steve let go of me as I walked over to it. I stared at Bucky's face on the screen... he looked so much different... so much happier.

"Best friends since childhood. Bucky Barnes and Steven Rogers were inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield. Barnes was the only Howling Commando to give his life in service of his country." I saw a small video of Steve and Bucky laughing together.

I smiled softly, tears in my eyes. Steve looked down sadly.

He looked over to me and noticed my tears run down my face before I could wipe them away. He became concerned. He stood in front of me and looked down at me.

"What's wrong Hope?" He asked quietly. I stared at Bucky's face. I have to help him. I looked up to Steve. He stared at me with worry and confusion. I opened my mouth to say it... come on! Say it!

"B-Bucky... he's..." I looked up at Steve with tear filled eyes. "He's alive..."

Steve stared at me with so much emotions. Confusion, shock, disbelief. "W-What did you say?"

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