Chapter 33: The Winter Soldier

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"It seems as though the witch as forgotten her place. Soldier!" A man spoke loudly. Winny stood up straight. His eyes forward. "Teach her a lesson, but don't kill. Use no weapons, only your hands."

He walked out the training room. It was just Winny and me. I'm 8 years old and this man is like a 30 something year old super soldier, with a metal arm! Winny looked at me. His face no emotion and he stalked over to me. His eyes blank. They left his mask and glasses off. They wanted my to see him. I cowered away. I tried to stay away from him.

"Winny! Please! You can fight it!" I exclaimed as I cried. He continued. He grabbed my arm and threw me into a table with the weapons on it. I cried in pain. I was scratched by a knife on my arm. Win-ter Soldier locked eyes with me as walked toward me again. I stood up. I used my magic to through him away a few feet. He fell with a grunt. He glared and stood right back up. "I can't hurt you Winny! Please don't! Remember who I am! I am Hope!"

He punched my in the face. I fell to the ground. I felt something crack, due to it being from his left arm. My nose had blood pouring out. I screamed. He straddled my and gave me a few more good punches.

I threw him off me. All the way across the room he landed on the wall. I haven't felt this much pain before, physically and emotionally. He groaned and got up. I laid on the ground. He is super strong compared to me.

"Please Winny... Bucky..." He stopped hesitatingly. My face hurts. My eye couldn't open. He gave me really, really hard punches.


"Don't worry Soldier. She will say anything to stop you. Continue on, and you can use weapons now. Make her scream Soldier. Don't make us have to teach you a lesson too." My eyes widened in fear. I shouldn't have said his name. They will punish me after now too. He ran towards me. I lifted my hands to stop him, but he stepped on my arm, more like stomped. I heard a crack. I screamed. He was confused, and angry for some reason. He was sad, and guilty. He didn't want to do this. That helps a lot, but watching him do this to me... I can't help but feel betrayed. He kicked my in the ribs, over and over again. He was going soft though. Softer then before, but it still hurts. He isn't using all his strength. He was holding back.

"B-Buc-." I cried.

"Soldier. Show her no mercy." The voice spoke angrily. Oh no...

He nodded and looked down at me. His fists clenched. I cried. Please... not him. Let anyone else do it... not him...

He lifted my up by the sore arm. I screamed as he threw me into the wall.







I couldn't feel much by now. I was numb.

I used my magic... I raised my hand like what I did on my first mission, where I had to kill. I raised my hand and he grabbed his neck. He was off the ground. It looked like someone was choking him, but no one was there. I was going to twist my hand to snap his neck... but I didn't. I could never, EVER! I dropped him.

"W-Winny... smile... though y-your heart is b-breaking..." I looked up at him, covered in blood, with a smile. His breathing hitched. He stopped. "Smile, e-even though I-it's breaking... w-when... w-when..." I couldn't finish.

"When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by..." He eyes widened in realization. "N-no... I-I d-didn't w-want to..." he stuttered at he looked at me. My whole body hurt. My ribs, arm, face. I couldn't move. I laid there, staring up at him. Why didn't I use my powers before he started? Your so weak and pathetic Hope! Stupid and hopeless! But there's no way I could hurt him... I couldn't... he's all I have...

"H-hope." He fell to his knees beside me. He rubbed my face, but I cried and flinched. He pulled back quickly. "I-I'm so sorry Hope. I-I never wanted to h-hurt you." He whispered to me with tears. I felt my eyes begin to close. "H-hope? Hope don't! Don't close your eyes. Please! Stay awake! I need you Hope! You my Hope! Please!" I heard footsteps come in. Four people pull Winny away. He fights them.

"Get off me!" He punches one. That's started it.

"S-stop..." I croaked, but went unheard as they shocked Winny. He fell to the ground beside me. He looked over to me as they cuffed him up.

"Don't leave me..." He mouthed and I closed my eyes... with a smile, to reassure him

I won't.


"Leave her. She can suffer a bit longer. Then we'll try to wipe her. If not, we will separate them. She can't be trusted anymore." I heard the man's voice from earlier say. I laid on the floor of my cell. Winny was pushed in. He was wiped. He doesn't remember anything that just happened. I'm gonna keep it that way.

He just watched me. I used my magic and lifted myself up... well tried. I fell onto the ground, to weak to use my magic. I cried out in pain. I can't do this anymore... I wanna go home!

"Mommy... I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I wanna go home! Peter... ple-ease..." I hiccuped. I can't handle this anymore. How much longer? Why? "Why me...? I want this to end..." I whispered in sobs. I felt arm wrap around me. Winny picked me up and placed my on my bed. I cried in pain as he did. My ribs and arm hurt so bad.

"...where are we? Who are you? Are you alright?" The same questions day after day.

"This is a bad place, full of bad people. HYDRA they're called. I'm your sister, Hope Quill." I coughed. He stared down at me... heart-broke. I smiled up at him gently. "We don't have the same last name though. I call you Winny... because you're not the Winter Soldier. I know the real you." I pointed at him. He looked so confused, a face I've seen many times.

"Who am I?"

"You're a good man..."

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