Chapter 28: The Alleyway

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Hope's POV (10 years old)

I could hear noises... people talking, cars zooming past, cars honking, and... music? The air was so cold. The surface I was sitting on was cold too. I opened my eyes slowly. I squinted as my eyes weren't ready for the brightness of the Alleyway. I squinted and looked around. Alleyway? Why am I here? How did I get here? I tried to remember anything I could.

I looked at the ground and noticed the rocks spelt something.

Name Hope
10 yo

I cried out in pain as I went to stand up. I looked down to the source of the pain. I was bleeding? I cried in pain and... I was scared.  It was a small wound, but it went through my leg. It was a small circle, like a bullet.

I don't know why I'm here, how I got here, what happened to me, who I was, who I am! I felt tears flow down my face gently. I looked at my clothing. All black leather suit. The only body part not covered was my face.  A mask that only covered the mouth was laying next to me. What am I wearing? I noticed a blue star on my left shoulder. I looked down to my hands. They were shaking badly. I looked around the alleyway. I could see some garbage, but snow covered it somewhat. I looked up and watched the snow falling down. The small flakes landing on the ground gently. I furrowed my eyebrows.

Why do I feel... like I was supposed to see someone? Was I? I shook my head. I tried to stand up, but fell back down. I was weak, very weak, but I need to get somewhere where I can fix this. I tried to stand a few more times before I actually got up. I cried as I accidentally put weight on the leg. How long have I been here? Is it infected? I looked over to the opening of the alleyway. People walked by in big coats and boots. The all looked... so clueless. A man stumbled into the alleyway. I lifted my hands into fists. I felt my face harden. Why?

He stumbled closer. His name is Anthony (Tony) Edward Stark.... I can see inside his mind?! What the hell am I?! I kept my fists up, I don't know why. He looked up and noticed me. He furrowed his eyebrows and took my appearance in.

"Hey kid! Why you here? Go find your own alleyway!" He rubbed his head with a small groan. Hungover. I stared at him. He was a billionaire, mechanic, famous, genius, and... to many people, he's an asshole? At least he knows that's what people think. He leaned against the wall. He was dressed in, what looked like to be a expensive suit. It was black and fit him well. I looked at his face. Sunglasses covered his eyes, a small beard. I couldn't help but go a bit too far in his mind. It's like I can't... or forgot how to control... whatever I have. I looked down at my leg. I can't let him see it, it's my weakness right now. I put my hands down and placed it above the wound. Blocking his view.

"Okay, seriously kid, go back to your parents." He shooed me away. I continued to stare. Say something idiot! I don't know what to say! He stood up straight and gave me a glance. I stood awkwardly. He mumbled some... bad words and walked towards me. I flinched, I felt my face drop. He stopped suddenly, I guess noticing my movements. "I'm not kidding child. Where are your parents?"

"I-I d-don't know." I stuttered with a raspy voice. I felt my hands shaking. I tried hard to keep them still. He reached into his pocket and pulled out money and handed it to me.

"Maybe that will help you find them, and but you something to eat." He stated. I looked down at the money in my hand. 3 hundreds? Wow! That's a lot! A car pulled into the alleyway. It was a nice black car. Shiny and new. A man stepped out. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Took you long enough Happy! I'm freezing my ass off out here!" Mr. Stark complained as he walked towards the car.

"Well, you were the one you didn't look at the street name. I went to four different Starbucks around this area. Four!" Happy exclaimed annoyed. Happy's eyes found me. I stood there awkwardly, waiting for them to leave so I could try and leave. "Who's the kid?"

Mr. Stark looked back at me. My leg was killing me. I can't hold it much longer. I'm really tired! My head hurts!

"Her names..." Mr. Stark gave me a look. I was confused until his thoughts could be heard clearly.

"H-hope. M-My names Hope." I nodded at the two as I blinked slowly. I felt my knees wobbling.

"That's Hope. She's fine. Let's go before Pepper notices and gives me another lecture." Mr. Stark opened his door.

"Hope! You don't look too well!" He called out to me. I looked back to my previous spot I was sitting. Blood covered the snow. I felt my knees give out and I fell roughly to the ground. I heard a door slam shut and footsteps come near me. I cried out in pain as I landed. I felt tears rolling down my face. I felt like I couldn't breath. I screamed when a hand was placed on my shoulder. It was a scream in fear. I used the last bit of my strength to pull myself back against the wall. I looked up and Happy was staring at me with absolute shock and worry. Mr. Stark was came a bit closer too. I heard a gasp come from Mr. Stark.

"...Happy, her leg." Happy's eyes made their way to my leg. He noticed the bullet wound. I shook my head at them, knowing what they were thinking.

"I-I'm Okay... I c-can fix it." I tried to get them to leave. I tried so hard not to stutter this time. "It's just a scratch. I'll be fine. You can go."

"Hope... that's not just a scratch." Mr.Stark knelt down to me. "You need to come with us. We can help you fix it and find your parents." I shook my head. My emotions running wild.

"How did you get that Hope? Who shot you?" Happy asked as he reached to his side, obviously reaching for a gun. He looked around the empty alleyway.

"I don't remember... I don't remember anything. I can't remember my parents, I can't remember where I'm from, I can't remember who did this! I only know my name and age. Some one wrote it in the with rocks." I pointed to the messy words. Happy walked over to them. Mr. Stark looked down in thought.

"Look Hope, I get that you can't remember anything, you probably don't know who to trust. But I'm not gonna hurt you, let me take you to the hospital. I'll keep you safe, okay?" Mr. Stark promised as he stared into my eyes. I could tell he was telling the truth.

"Okay Mr. Stark... I'll come with you." I nodded. He looked at me with surprise.

"I thought you couldn't remember anything?" Happy asked as he heard what I said.

"I'm a hard person to forget..." Mr. Stark smirked at Happy. Happy rolled his eyes, but gave me a suspicious look. He doesn't trust me... okay... I gotta show them. But what if they take me and experiment on me? Will they think I'm a freak and leave me to die? Am I a freak? I let out a shaking breath.

"I can read minds..." I told them. They stared at me with a 'really' look. Mr. Stark bursted our laughing. Happy let out a chuckle.

"Seriously Hope, how did you know my name?" Mr. Stark asked with a amused smile. I like that smile.

"I'm not lying... Anthony." I spoke in his head. He fell back onto the snow in surprise. I smiled when he landed with a 'oof'. He's funny, I think I'll like him.

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