Chapter 23: Loki?!

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I sat up against the wooden Indian Dad stole a poncho from. Dad was making the payphone secure so he could call Pep. We argued for a good 5 minutes about who should get the poncho. Dad tried to give it to me, but I'm not even that cold. He was shivering. I wouldn't put it on so he did.

We were also arguing about me going home. He doesn't want me here... he doesn't want me to get hurt. I can't go home knowing Dad needs help and could possibly be killed. Even if I do go home, the Mandarin will find out I'm alive and will assume Tony is too. I'm just praying to Thor that Pepper's Okay. I don't really trust the Maya girl. I could read her mind, just like those S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

"Pepper it's me. Hope's here too. I've got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time. So, first off, I'm so sorry for putting you in harms way. That was stupid and selfish and it won't happen again. Also it's Christmas time and rabbits too big, done. I'm sorry. And I'm sorry in advance because... I can't come home yet. I need to find this guy. I gotta keep you and Hope safe... that's all I know. I just stole a poncho from a wooden Indian." I stood up and opened the payphone door. He looked over to me, about to put the phone down. I held my hand out. I wanna talk to her. He nodded and handed me the phone and stepped out. I closed the door and put the phone to my ear.

"Hi Pepperoni... hey! That's you and Dad's ship name! Okay, anyway. I hope you're okay. I know your probably pissed at us and it not the first time... and most likely not the last. I just wanted to say I'm sorry too. I should have tried to stop Dad from his really stupid decision to say our address in public." I laughed. I heard Dad scoff. "There's something I need to tell you... and I will. When we come home. Oh! And that Maya, if you're still with her... I don't trust her. There's something about her I can't understand. Be careful Pepper. We'll make it back home... I promise. I'll take care of him." I looked outside to see Tony looking at his suit.


We broke into a shed. Yep... Dad used a shovel to open the door. Dad sat his suit on the couch and I sat mine against the wall. I smiled down at it... but it was pretty beat up. Scratched, dents, broken pieces. I patted the head and looked over to Dad. He was looking through stuff on the small work tables. He grabbed small pliers and was about to work on his arm, but a voice spoke up.

"Freeze!" A kids voice yelled. We looked over and there was a boy standing at the doorway with a... potato gun. Okay... that's cool! "Don't. Move." Dad raised his hands.

"Okay, you got me. Nice potato gun. Barrels a little long. Between that and the wide gauge, it's gonna diminish your FPS-." The boy, Harley, raised his gun and shot a glass on the top of a shelf. The glass shattered. Harley smirked at him. Your outta ammo now kid. "And now you're out of ammo."

"What's that thing on your chest?" Harley nodded to his chest. He didn't notice me yet. I smirked as I watched the two.

"It's an electro-magnet. You should know, you got a box of them right here." He pointed to the box beside him. Harley still had his gun raised.

"What does it power?" He questioned. Dad nodded and stood up. He pointed the lamp towards his suit which was casually sitting on the couch. Harley's eyes widened. A large grin on his face. He dropped his gun. "Oh my god! That-that's... is that Iron man?"

"Technically I am." Dad corrected. Harley walked towards the suit. He hit Dad's chest with a newspaper.

"Technically your dead." He sat beside the suit. I walked over to Dad. I read the front of of the paper.

Mandarin Attack:
Starks Presumed Dead

There was a picture of Dad and I in the house before it was destroyed. I raised an eyebrow.

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