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And that is the end of this story, but don't worry! But don't worry! There is a second one coming soon!


Hope and Bucky have been gone for about a year. A whole year of memories, hiding, and bonding.
They became brother and sister again. Bucky remembers almost everything and is becoming more like his past self. Bucky has helped Hope with her attacks, which have almost completely stopped. Hope goes to the Avengers Tower for check ins. She has the help from J.A.R.V.I.S. who detected her thermal heat signature. She checks on the team and her father, Tony Stark.

The Avengers are living in the tower together. Tony would sleep in Hope's room most nights, missing his daughter. The Avengers were taking small missions here and there. Steve spending his free time with Sam, talking to Tessa, or trying to find Hope and Bucky.
A problem comes up. Ultron is made.

Hope finds out about the fight between the Avengers and Ultron. Will she go help? Or will she stay with Bucky and stay hidden?


I really enjoyed writing this book and I'm so happy that people actually read it 😂

There will be a second book is just called

Hope Stark

Titles aren't my thing 🤷‍♀️😅 Anyway, I hope you guys will continue on with Hope's story and I might actually add Captain America; Civil War with the second book.

Thank you guys for coming this far into my book. It makes me so happy to see comments about the book.

If you guys have any suggestions or inputs that you might like to see in the next book, please feel free to share. I thought I had a plan, but I'm just going along. Most of this is just me writing and seeing where we end up.

Anyway, I'll post another file on Hope Stark, like a update on her abilities. I hope to see you in the next book! Thank you! ♥️♥️😊

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