Chapter 47: Gifts

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I went to the office to collect my key, but Steve had already grabbed it. When we got to my apartment, everything was already unpacked, except my clothes. I smiled at my little home. It's adorable, small compared to what Dad lives in. I'm pretty sure I'll miss being in the lab with him.

"Tony came down and helped unpack. He set up everything saying he knew how you liked it." I chuckled as I scanned the apartment.

"He did a good job. Thank you Steve, I'll be sure to call my Dad too." I smiled at him. He nodded.

"I'll leave you to get yourself comfortable. Nat said she'll be here around 1:30. She has some work to finish." Steve told me as he turned and walked out the door. I watched him leave. I noticed a clock on the wall by the kitchen, 12:17 p.m. I have an hour till Nat gets here. I walked down the hallway to my bed room.

On my bed sat a little white square box with a red bow on it. I peeked into the closet and saw a compartment as tall as me. It was metal and looked newer. I walked over to it and placed my hand on the scanner.

"Hand print locked." J.A.R.V.I.S's voice spoke after scanning my hand. I smiled at the A.I's voice. I missed J.

"Hey J. How has my Dad been after I left?" I questioned him.

"He won't stop whining about how quiet it is. He has his music blasting as we speak. I have not notified him of your arrival yet. But would you like to see a recording of him?" J.A.R.V.I.S questioned. I smirked and nodded.

"Why not?" I shrugged. Dad working in the lab popped up onto the small screen.


"Peppppppper!" Dad's voice yelled. I heard a groan in the background from Pepper. I grinned. "Why did you let Hope leave!?"

"It was her decision Tony!" Pepper could be heard faintly.

"Why did she have to grow up? I have no one to bother me anymore." Tony pouted. I scoffed lightly. He was the one bothering me!

"It's only been 8 hours, sir." J.A.R.V.I.S's voice told him.

"Really? Mmh... feels like 9..." Dad stopped working and stood up. "It's too quiet! Why did she have to go now? Couldn't she have waited like another 10 years or so to grow up?"

"I'm afraid that's not how it works, sir."

"Yea, Yea. I know... Jeez... she really did keep me on my toes. Remember she tried to become the next Bill Nye by mixing chemicals together."

"She did quite well." J.A.R.V.I.S defended me.

"She blew up the whole lab! She made a little video about it like he does! This other time she thought it would be funny if she made 3 dozen copies of herself and forgot which one was really her. We spent all day trying to figure it out! How do you forget something like that?"

"She did keep you entertained. It was quite a pleasure helping her with other experiments." J spoke. Dad glared at the ground.

"I knew you were helping her!" Dad pointed around the room.

*End Recording *

I shook my head at the weirdo.

"Your Father has made you another suit, for your birthday of course." The metal door opened and inside was two blue and grey suits. I smiled at my original one, but gasped as I noticed the new one. It had a tint of gold on the outlines of the grey. It was more feminine, but still looked badass. I might just take it for a test fly after. I closed the door and I heard it lock quietly.

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