Chapter 18: S.H.I.E.L.D

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Dad went out to have lunch with Rhodey to ask him about the Mandarin.

A terrorist. I don't know how to feel about the worldwide threat.

The one time I watch the news... the one time! I'm always watching cartoons and now I'm sticking to them.

Dad wants to help find them. I know he does. Always wants to help.

And they call Captain America the self sacrificing one. They both are idiots... but I can't help but love 'em. Steve is a good friend. That's where I'm going actually. I'm going to visit Nat and Steve.

They're at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. I called Nat that I was coming to visit and she was happy about it. I am too.

I was driving to the airport where the private jet was waiting.

I decided to call Dad now. I never told him yet. I was only gonna go for a day, maybe two.

I dialled his number. No answer. I was honestly surprised. He always answers. I called again, hoping nothings wrong. He answered.

"Hey kid. What's up?" His voice a bit shaky. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"You Okay?" I asked. I heard him chuckle breathlessly.

"Never better. Was there a reason for this call? I was actually on my way back to the house." He was in his suit. He's not fine, anxiety attacks are starting again. I sighed, deciding not to question it farther.

"I'm going to visit Nat and Steve in Washington DC. I'm on my way to the jet now." There was a moment of silence on his end. "Dad?"

"Yea, still here. Why are you going there? You still never told me about your past. Are you going to talk to them first? So it does have something to do with Steve. I knew it, but I could never figure out why. Maybe it's-."

"Dad. I will talk to you about it. I'm just going to talk to them about joining S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury asked me to join and I decided that I should." I want to use my powers for good, instead of how HYDRA wanted me too.

"Excuse me, what did you say?" He exclaimed with confusion. I chuckled awkwardly. The airport in view.

"Before we moved to Malibu, Fury asked me to join. He thought with the help of Natasha and Steve, I could become one of his best agents." I pulled into the airport.

"... I know you can protect yourself, but don't do anything stupid. I don't fully support this, but if it's what you want, then go ahead. I won't stop you, but Pepper's not going to like this." He sighed out. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks dad. And she already knows. She was the one you said I should. She thinks I could help a lot of people with my magic." I grabbed my bag and got out of my car. I put on my sunglasses. Dad gasped.

"What?! How come I was the last one to hear about this?! I thought we talked about everything first Hope? You were my partner in crime..." he sniffled. "Maybe I'll have to find another... find a new kid to take care of... maybe a boy. Name starts with an H too... or a P, or a M. Nevermind, Jeez! One kid is enough! I can barley handle you!" I smiled.

Those are his favourite letters, which is weird. Do people actually have favourite letters? P for Pepper and Pizza. H for Hope and Happy. M for Mechanic and Models. Oh! And R for Rhodey and robotics.

"I'm still your partner in crime. I'll be back later or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow. We can build yet another suit together." I suggested as I walked to the jet. "Don't do anything stupid till I get back!"

"I promise..." he answered. I rolled my eyes.

"I know you had your fingers crossed. See ya!" I ended the call. I got into the jet. The pilot smiled at me. John Holmes. It's kind of ironic and I love it.

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