Chapter 25: "War Machine rocks with an X, all caps."

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I managed to find Harley down an alleyway close by. He was hiding from Chad. He distracted him from actually killing one of us.

"Sorry I didn't stop him from shooting you." Harley apologized for the third time. I rolled my eyes at the boy.

"It's okay Harley. I'm fine. It's just a scratch." I reassured him. I handled worse, I thought to myself.

"Are you going to help Tony? I'm fine here. He probably needs more help then I do." He looked down the alleyway. We were hiding behind a big pile of trash. It smelled awful man...

"I think he-."A loud explosion down the street cut me off. It came from the direction Dad was in. My eyes widened and I stood up. "-does need my help. Stay here." I looked down to Harley. He nodded. I made myself invisible and ran in the direction of the smoke. I ignored the pain in my leg as I ran. I saw the same store Dad went in, but it had fire and smoke coming from the inside. I looked up and Scar face was on the electrical lines. I grimaced at the sight.

I ran to the back of the Store. I saw Dad run into the trees. I followed after him. I looked up and the water tower was about to fall. Chad stood at the bottom. I ran faster and caught up to Dad. He noticed me. I looked up and the water tower was falling now. I lifted my hands to stop it, but I was hit with a fire ball. I flew a few feet away. I groaned in pain as I landed on my bad leg. My eyes widened as the tower hit the ground. Water and metal flying everywhere. I used my magic to put a shield around me. A big piece of metal bounced off the barrier. The water rushed past. Oh shit! I looked around for dad. I could see him. After the water stopped. I stood up slowly and looked around for Dad.

"I'm so sorry Mr.Stark!" I heard a struggling Harley yell. I looked to my right and Chad was sitting in a chair with Harley on his lap.

"Oh no, what I think he was trying to say was, I want my god damn file." Chad smirked as held Harley.

"It's not your fault kid. Remember what I told you about bullies?" Dad reminded him. Harley had this look of realization. What? Harley used the thing Dad gave him earlier. What was it again? I wasn't listening. Chad let Harley go as he fell back in his chair. Harley ran away.

"You like that west world? That's the thing about smart guys, they always cover our ass." He pointed his secret blaster at Chad and blasted him in the face. He fell to the ground. I ran to Dad and helped lift the metal bar with my magic. Dad threw the blaster away because it was biting his hand. I walked over to Chad and grabbed his car keys from his pocket. I threw them to Dad and we walked towards the street.


"Your welcome." Harley exclaimed as he walked up to us. Dad looked down at him.

"For what? Did I miss something?" Dad asked the 12 year old. Harley rolled his eyes. I took the file from Dad's hands. I flipped through the pages quickly.

"Me saving your life." Harley pointing to himself then to Dad. We walked along side us as we made our way to Chad's car.

"Yeah. A, saved you first. B... thanks, sort of. And C, if you do someone a solid to be a yutz. Just play it cool." Dad unlocked the car and I walked to the passenger side. I opened the door, and slowly got in. My leg is killing me!

"Unlike you." Harley spoke up before Dad could get in. I leaned my head in pain as I moved my leg to get comfortable. I bit my lip slightly. "Admit it. You need me. We're connected." I smiled out the window to the boy.

"What I need from you is to go home, be with your mom, keep your trap shut, and guard the suits. Stay connected to the telephone because if I call, you better pick up. Okay? Do you fee that?" Dad patted Harley's shoulder. "We're done here. Move out the way or I'm gonna run you over."

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