Chapter 56: Highway Part 2

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Okay... I'm not good with fight scenes... so here ya go. I don't know if the Russian is right! Bare with me! It's all google! I tried!


I pulled out my semi-auto Colt 1911 pistol, which was strapped to my waist. I started to shoot at Natasha as she flipped over the highway cement blocks. The other 5 men were shooting at Sam, who was hiding behind a car. Winny stalked towards Natasha slowly and casually, holding his launcher. I was missing purposely, not wanting to actually shoot her. She flipped over cars. Winny lifted his launcher again, shooting the car right beside Nat. I gasped slightly, not bringing attention to me. The car exploded.

I walked to the edge and looked down, so did Winny, our guns up and ready to shoot. I looked around. Steve wasn't anywhere to be seen. I notice his shield on the pavement. Then a shots rang out. I groaned as I was grazed on the side of my head. I backed up and hissed in pain. I felt the wound start to close, Extremis comes in handy. I looked over to Winny. He took his googles off... I shuddered at the intense look in his eyes. He wasn't playing around anymore. He wants blood.

He stood and started shooting down at Nat. He stopped as she was now to far away.

"у меня есть она найти его." He ordered at me and the other men. I jumped over the ledge and used my magic to land. I landed swiftly and softly on my feet. Winny doing the same, but landing on a car. His landing less graceful. The car smashed under his weight and the drop distance. I watched him strut off the car towards Natasha's direction... he should be a model...

I walked over to the car, getting my magic ready, knowing damn well I ain't using it on Steve. I watched the other four men jump down, one holding a big machine gun. I helped the people out of the bus. They stared at me with wide, fearful eyes.

"Run! Get out of here!" I helped them get out of the bus. I looked in to see Steve. He was getting up from the ground. He looked over to me. He looked at my hand. My magic ready. I notice the HYDRA men staring. I put my poker face on and started firing inside. I shot at the ground, not hitting Steve, but it seemed he didn't know that as he moved farther from the shots. The HYDRA man started to shoot the gun into bus. I gasped as Steve ran to the other side, bursting through the window and grabbing his shield. I could easily get Natasha and Steve, going back empty handing will make them mad... what if we use Bucky? I know Steve doesn't truly, 100% believe its Bucky. Maybe seeing his face will make him. I didn't realize Steve was running in Natasha and Winny's direction. I looked up and noticed Sam firing. He was pointing at me, but I pushed his gun and pointed it directly at the other HYDRA man.

I jogged towards the same direction. I have to time it right. I walked up to see Winny and Steve fighting. Winny flipped his knife around as he swung it at Steve. I looked around for Natasha. I notice her under a car. I ran to the other side and notice her leaning against it. Her eyes widened as she looked up at me. I looked around. All the HYDRA men are gone, we just need to watch out for Winny. I kneeled down.

"You okay?" I asked, concerned as I looked at the shot.

"Your... you?" She asked in shock. I nodded with a grin.

"I'm stronger now. They can't get to me anymore, but I have to make it seem like I'm with them. They don't know about it." I held up some hand cuffs. She sighed and I helped her stand up. I notice Steve flip Winny over. His mask falling off. I held in a breath. I dropped the cuffs. He looked back at Steve. I notice Steve freeze.

"Bucky." He said as he was actually staring at him. Face to face after so many years. His best friend. Winny squinted his eyes. His face filled with emotion as a small memory came back.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" He asked. He looked away, but quickly remembered his mission.

Then, Sam flew in, knocking down Winny before he shot at Steve. I ran past Steve and towards Winny. He stood up. He looked at me, then to Steve. I looked back and notice Natasha aiming Winny's launcher at us. I grabbed a Winny and started running. I felt the heat from the explosion as we ran out of their sight.


I stood awkwardly as I looked around. I'm still acting, I'm still acting, I thought to myself. I walked into a room, then I froze as I notice my brother's face as they pushed him down into the chair. They hooked him up, and I just stared. I felt myself heat up.

"No!" I used my magic to throw away a man from the controls. Pairs of arms wrapped around me as I watched them press the button. I screamed as I heard his. Memories flooding my mind. I felt a power surge through me. I knocked all of the men off of me. I pressed the same button and stopped the machine. I was grabbed again. I snapped my fingers and snapped the man's neck. I didn't care. I ran towards Winny. He sat up. His eyes empty. I cried as I noticed them. I can't believe I just stood there and watched! How could I!? He was remembering!? I noticed Alexander Pierce was her too. He was surprised at my actions.

"Why are doing this to him!? I thought you guys were the good guys!?" I exclaimed angrily. Pierce nodded.

"We still are. This is something that needs to be done. The Soldier here does this so he can be the best that he can be. He doesn't like having emotions, it gets in the way. Right Soldier?" Pierce looked at Winny.

"Yes sir." Winny looked up at me from the chair.

"Even if it hurts him so much?" I asked, looking at Pierce with uncertainty. He nods as he walked over to me. He patted my shoulder. "How come I don't remember any of this?"

"You did the same thing. Emotions, feelings always get in the way in completing a mission. That's why you two failed today. The pain will subside after a few moments." Winny stood up and was taken to another room. I glanced at the retreating Pierce. He walked towards another door. "Later on, it will be your turn, but for now, I need you to get familiar with your powers again. It seemed you didn't use your full potential on the field today." I nod.

"Yes sir." I nodded. Everyone left the room, going the same way Pierce went. I looked at the door that Winny went through. We can leave, right now. I walked into the door and notice men holding guns toward me. A whole squadron. I gulped as I notice Rumlow.

"They're gone. They escaped." He started.

"Who?" I asked, confused. He chuckled.

"You know who. I know that chair did nothing to you. I notice the way you stood by and watched on the highway. You could have easily taken down those three. Now, they escaped." Guns ready to fire. I placed an invisible force field around me. I sighed.

"I could easily take ya'll down too." I replied with a smirk. Gun shoots went off. None hitting me. They hit the field, falling onto the floor. I made a portal behind me, making sure they couldn't see the other side. I walked through. I took down the portal, which took down the field. I looked around at all the people in the room. I notice a man laying on a what seemed to be a hospital bed. I smirked at the shocked faces.

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