Chapter 39: Christmas

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I smiled as the little boy ran up to me.

"Hope!" He exclaimed with excitement and happiness. He jumped into my arms. I almost fell, but I managed to keep us up.

"Hey Romeo! I've missed you!" I squeezed him tightly.

"Hope?!" I heard a boy yell. I rolled my eyes at the voice. Zac is still a big flirt. I just can't imagine what he'll be like when he's older. Romeo pulled away as I looked at the house. Zac and Chantel ran out the house. Tessa stood at the door with a concerned look.

"Hi guys!" I grinned as the 12 and 8 year old's ran at me. I hugged them both.

"I saw what happened on the news. That looked really scary. These people video recorded it, they were freaking out so it was all wobbly and stuff." Chantel said as she looked up at me. I nodded with a chuckle.

"Let's not worry about that right now." I grabbed a large box out of my car and we walked in the house. I smiled and hugged Tessa.

"Hey Hope. Are doing okay?" She whispers in my ear. I smiled.

"Just fine. This is probably not the last time something like this is going to happen. I might as well get over it now." I shrugged nonchalantly. She smiled at me. I looked in the living room and saw the tree in the corner. Beautifully decorated and presents still under the tree. I seen some from me I gave Tessa before hand, just in case something happened. The kids sat by the presents anxiously. I chuckled and looked back at Tessa confused.

"We wanted to wait for you."Tessa stated as she grinned at the me. I nodded.

"Well, let's start then." I grinned as I teleported next to Romeo. They all gasped.

"I'm in love..." Zac whispered with Elaine eyes.

"That's so cool!" Romeo and Chantel exclaimed in sync. I laughed and notice a little pile in under the tree. Chantel stood up and grabbed the 4 presents. She handed them to me.

"There's one from each of us." She smiled sweetly.

"Awe! That's guys!" I smiled at the 4. A loud bark came from the box I brought inside I heard a squeal from Chantel as she opened the box.

"Aahhh!" She screamed with a large grin

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"Aahhh!" She screamed with a large grin. Zac winced at the high pitch sound. "Oh my god! He's so cute!" How did she know it was a boy? I grinned at the kids. She held the puppy as Zac, Romeo, and Tessa surrounded her.

"I didn't name him yet. I wanted you guys to, since he's your's." I smiled. The kids eyes widened.





They couldn't agree on a name. We decided to do presents and figure it out from there.

Okay, so. Let's start with Romeo.

Romeo got 2 outfits, a car with a race car track, legos, nerf guns, reading books because I know he likes to read, and other stuff. They all got a lot of stuff.

Chantel got Barbies, a dollhouse, nerf guns from me obviously, colouring books, clothes, painting supplies, and a couple more things.

Zac got a Stark Phone, clothes, books... and that's about it. I just gave him some money because I honestly didn't know what he wanted. He's a 12 year old boy. How am I supposed to know. And I know I could ask Peter, he's not an average 12 year old boy either.

Tessa got some cards from each of the kids, Outfits from me, A stark phone, and a necklace Chantel picked out.

I am extremely happy with my gifts. I didn't even know I was getting anything. I got some cards too. Each one is adorable, even Zac's. I got a bracelet made out of different beads from Chantel. I got a little book about me and Romeo. Zac tried to use a mistletoe on me, but it didn't work.

We had dinner and I caught up with Romeo. He's really smart for his age. I'm proud of him. They made a little cake for me too. I didn't even tell them about my birthday, but Happy did. He knew I would get closer to the family. We all played with the puppy, I had also bought food and toys. He's energetic and loves to play, perfect for them. And he's so cute!

Right now, it's 4:47 p.m. and I'm supposed to be going somewhere with Dad and Pepper at 6:00 p.m.

"See you guys soon!" I waved goodbye. They waved back as I drove off.


We actually moved back to New York, well Dad and Pepper are moving to New York. I'm moving to Washington D.C. Steve said I could stay with him until I find a place since I start at S.H.I.E.L.D in two days. Dad's quite sad, but he doesn't show it. Pepper too, but she expresses it. I'm moving there tomorrow so I can settle in for a day. Steve wants to talk too. I have to talk to him.

"Stop, stop doing that." Dad sighed in annoyance. I gave him a look.

"What?" I asked confused at his expression.

"You're always thinking and I hate it. You're like Steve, always brooding." He said in disgust. I laughed. "Okay, we are going to this new restaurant. I wanted to try it, and now I have an excuse to. Pepper said she has something planned too."

"I'm sure we'll have fun." I smiled at Pepper. She grinned back. We sat in comfortable silence. I watched as the buildings go by.

"Did you still want to visit Loki?" Pepper asked softly. Dad gave her a look of disbelief.

"What?! How do you know about that!?" Dad asked with a shock look.

"She told me about it. We have our girl talks." Pepper replied simply.

"But I thought Hope tells me everything first." Dad pouted. I smiled at patted his shoulder.

"You can come to the next girl talk." Dad grinned with excitement.

"Really?" Pepper raised an eyebrow the same time Dad exclaimed.

"Yep. We're going to talk about how hot Steve and Thor are. They're both so muscular. I love Thor's hair by the way. They're both so cute!" I exclaimed as I felt all giddy talking about them.

"They both are to die for. Just think, Hope can get with any of them." Pepper mentioned to me. I smiled.

"Imagine if I went on a date with Steve. Star spangled man with a plan. He's so adorable. He's such a gentleman, but-."

"Do you guys actually plan on what your next girl talk will be about? And Pepper... that hurt... physically." We rolled out eyes.

"I could never love someone as much as I love you Tony." Pepper smiled at him sweetly. He nodded smugly as he continued driving.

"But I only see them as friends. Loki on the other hand, is someone I wouldn't mind going out with." Pepper laughed as Dad scoffed.

"No way in hell." Dad spoke. I smirked mischievously at him through the mirror. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Don't be surprised if I go to Asgard and come back with a ring." I smirked. Dad glared. Pepper smirked back at me.

"... he is pretty hot isn't he?" Pepper thought. I gasped with a smirk. Pepper looked back at me with a knowing look. Dad looked confused. Pepper and I just smiled at the confused man.

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