Chapter 53: He's My Mission

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I walked into S.H.I.E.L.D head quarters. I felt people staring at me. I have to get Bucky's file. Fury took it and it's in his office

. I looked at the Elevator. It's says it's on the top floor. I ain't waiting.

I teleported in front of his office. Sometimes I completely forget I can teleport.

I pulled out a phone to disable the alarms, but the door opened.

"Come on in, Miss Stark." I jumped as I heard the female A.I.'s voice. I slowly walked in. No one was here. "Director Fury instructed I only let you in his office." I nodded.

"That's nice." I whispered as I looked on his desk. Bucky's file was on his desk. There was dog tags. My breath hitched as I read Bucky's name on them. I looked around for cameras. They were covered. How is Fury always a step ahead?

I grabbed the file and walked out the office. I heard alarms going off. I held the file tighter.

Where's Steve?

I ran down the hallway. I stopped when I saw a dozen men running towards me.

I groaned as I turned and ran towards the stairs.

I started running down. I stopped. Dumbass! I thought of Steve and opened a portal. He was running from the Triskelion.

I closed the portal and started running after the soldier.

We made it a few blocks away.

He stopped. I almost tripped. I hate when my ankle just decides to twist out of nowhere. Like what the fuck!? It happens when I'm just walking too. I got weak ankles.

I chuckled to myself.

I walked right into Steve. He held my shoulders to keep me from falling.

"Holy shit! You run fast." I held my side. Cramps! I huffed and puffed. He was unfazed. He raised an eyebrow.

"You can run fast too." He stated. I nodded.

"Yeah, but not as long as you. God! I need to run more. Phew!" I smiled up at him. He rolled his eyes. "You going to get the USB?"

"Yeah." He answered as he picked up his pace. Looking around cautiously.

"Natasha's waiting for you. I'll meet you guys at the mall. I got to go get something." I told him as I started walking away from him.

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"You'll need to find out what's on the USB. I can find out when we get to the mall. Don't worry, I told Natasha about me and Bucky. Just follow Natasha's lead Steve. This isn't your kind of mission." I smirked at him.

He nodded and was went our separate ways.


I slowly opened my apartment door. I looked around. Seemed normal. I moved through the whole house, staying quiet.

No one was here. I relaxed a bit. I stayed quiet, knowing it's still bugged.

I walked into my room and opened my closet. I noticed there was burnt marks and scrapes on the amour vault.

I panicked.

I scanned my hand and the door slowly opened. I let out a breath as I noticed my suits were still there.

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