十四 : CARAT ♡

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It's been a while and we're actually waiting news from you! Well, Seungkwan's been dying to hear anything from you since, and Vernon's actually pestering me along Seokmin... Have sense of guilt please! What took you so long? Hahahaha! Kidding, dongsaeng. But we really did miss you lots, kiddo.

We really could've done this thru SMS but we're actually this stubborn to write letters instead. But it can't be blamed either due to company protocols but still I'm listing contacts and manage to slip in some numbers for you, 'kay? HAHAHAHAHA!

Setting that aside, we're actually taken aback to the letters you wrote us. Are you kidding me? Of course we remember you, everything in fact on what you had mentioned but still... we miss having you around too. We miss you.

More than ever now that we got to know we got another one in our family. You, of all people too to be a Carat. We're more than glad that you still managed to be around even as this. Though I think you're still surprised I'm the one writing this down huh? But expect greatness from your sunbaenim!! ^^

But given that I was the last one you were with on the day of your departure, it's a must.

I expected Jihoon to write back to you but it appeared he's the one who have it hard the most in writing his feelings into words. LOL. How ironic, right? You might not expect me to be the one writing to you.

I know you wanted info and bits about him after yeah? Well, he takes your letter word by word; he really appreciates it. We wished for more time and we could've done more for you really. Especially those times we weren't around for you in your journey. There still lots left unsaid.

I know hyung wants to say something, it's just hard for him to say I guess. Though, his lyrics and songs are enough to read through his heart.

Lumi... Is it still too late to give a chance?

It's sad that we know the answer.

But... Ahhh, dongsaeng why are you being like this. Aigoo... Seriously, it's never too late to reach out to us! :((

We miss you. And you know that you can still count on us, right? As time and circumstance may have changed, we still try!

We will always be looking out for you, you know that right? In little ways we can. Please, please do contact us ASAP once you get this.

Also, the poem you made for us meant everything.

Thank you too, Lumi.


Mingyu, &


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