Chapter 25

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Natalie's POV

I'm going on a trip today with Kristoff, Marga, Ben, and Robert, and thank goodness my mom allowed me to go with them, and also, my mom is also going to come with me.

"Honey, let's go!", my mom said.

We went in inside the van that my mom booked for our trip, and then, my friends satarted saying "hello" to my mom.

"Hey Aunt Cynthia!!", Marga said.
"Hello! So, are we gonna go now?", my mom asked.
"Yeah, you guys are the only people we're waiting for.", Marga said.

Our trip already started. After a few minutes, I felt like something was wrong, because our driver said that we're going to go to a stop over, but he already went past one.

"I feel like something's wrong.", I said.
"Yeah, me too!", Marga said.
"Hahahah!!! You're too late!", someone said from the driver's seat from the front.

We were all surprised as we saw Adrian and Hannah. Oh gosh! Why?! Why did this happen?!

"There's nowhere to go!", Hannah said.

A weird smell suddenly started to spread all over the car, which made us feel sleepy and dizzy, until everything went black.


Marga's POV

Hannah and Adrian kidnapped us. Well, I know all of us are scared but one day, the day will come that the 6 of us will be free and Hannah and Adrian will get arrested.

"Please stop!", I said in a very dizzy way.

I stopped them, but it was too late. My eyes were already closed and everything went black because of the smell of the car that made us feel dizzy.


Kristoff 's POV

When I woke up, I realized that I was no longer inside the car, but instead, I was inside this messy room full of broken things especially the couch. I started to look around, when suddenly, I saw Natalie and her mom at the right side, still asleep. Thank goodness I'm not alone and thank goodness that our things are here with us, thanks to Hannah and Adrian.

"Aunt Cynthia, Natalie, wake up! We need to find a way out.", I said as they both started to wake up.

They both started to wake up when suddenly, both of them started to panic.

"Where are we?", Aunt Cynthia asked.
"Auntie, I don't know. When I woke up, we're here already all of a sudden.", I said.
"We need to find the way out!", Aunt Cynthia said.

The three of us started to look around, just trying to find something that could easily break the window, because the window is made of glass and it's almost shattered.

"What do you think you're doing?", Hannah asked as she went inside.
"Hannah, why are you doing this?", Natalie said.
"Because I'm just trying to get what I want!", Hannah shouted.
"And that includes Kristoff, right?", Natalie said.
"Yes!! And you will never get the chance to love him!", Hannah said.
"Hannah, no matter what you say, I will never love you!", I said.
"Why?! Why can't you love me?!", she said.
"Because I never liked you! And I never became friends with you.", I said.

She left while she was in the verge of tears already. Thank goodness our bags are here, and of course, we have our phones inside, hidden inside of our secret pockets.

"Aunt Cynthia, do you have your phone with you?", I asked.
"Yes, it's in my bag.", she said.

Ok, thank goodness she got it! I opened her bag and grabbed her phone.

"Dial my mom and tell her to call a police so that they can rescue us here.", I whispered.
"I will!", she said.
"But you need to do it quietly so that Adrian or Hannah won't hear us.", I said.


Robert's POV

Marga, Ben, and I are trapped inside this messy room, and we don't even know where Kristoff, Natalie, and Natalie's mom are. Maybe Hannah and Adrian separated the three of us so that, we won't get out that easily.

"How are you guys here inside? Are you enjoying it?", Adrian said as he came in.
"What do you think you're doing, Adrian?", Ben said.
"Just trying to end your lives one by one.", he said.
"If you did that, you already know where you're going to end up, right?! You're going to end up staying in jail!", Marga said.
"Shut up!", Adrian said.
"Natalie will never be yours, Adrian! 'Cause Natalie is Kristoff's childhood friend!", I said.
"Shut up!!", he said as he punched me and left.
"Robert, are you ok?", Ben asked.
"Yes, I'm fine!", I said.


Kristoff 's POV

The three of us here inside just ate recently, though. We just ate the food that's just inside our bag. It's already 8:00 pm, and I suddenly became worried about Natalie's health.

"I hope Natalie can forgive me someday, Aunt Cynthia.", I said.
"She'll forgive you, 'cause she knows how important and precious you are to her.", Aunt Cynthia said.

I suddenly approached Natalie while she's sleeping on the couch. I caressed her cheek and kissed her forehead.

"Sleep tight, Natalie, I love you.", I whispered as tears started to fall from my eyes.


May's POV

Cynthia and my son are in great danger. And thank goodness I finally reported to the police that my son amd his friends are kidnapped, including my best friend, and of course I also told them the location on where my best friend and my son are, and tomorrow, we'll start saving them.

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