Ch. 10 Suffocating

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Me and my parents all sit at the dinning room table in silence. I sit, and stare at my hands while I listen to my father obnoxiously tap his foot against the floor. I look up from my hands and see that my father is looking directly at me, while my mother stares down at her coffee that she prepared before we sat down.

    "Okay, are we just going to sit here all day and not speak? Because if so, then I think I'm going to have to take a hard pass," I say. "I have more valuable things to do with my time." I hear my dad laugh and my mom just continues to stare at her coffee.

    "And what might those things be? Sitting in your room and writing that gay poetry that you like so much? Wishing and hoping that this delusional dream of yours will actually come true?" My dads words set me off, sending my head into a never ending abyss of hurtful things I would like to spit out at this asshole. But all I do is grip the edge of the table to try and compose myself a little.

    "No I was actually thinking that I would knock the shit of of a few people and practice hockey to train myself to do absolutely nothing with my life," I snap. "That's what you always taught me, right dad?" My mom finally looks up from her coffee with shock plastered all over her make up covered face.

    "Cole, Language!" she yells. I look at her for a moment but quickly look angrily back at my dad. "Can you just tell him already, John!" my mom grows impatient as she looks back down at her coffee that she hasn't even touched yet. I look between both my mom and my dad with uncertainty.

    "Tell me what?" I question. My dad sighs and folds his hands together in front of him.

    "It's Camilla," my dad says. As soon as her name falls from his lips I grow ecstatic but also a little bit worried. Camilla is my older sister. Damn, if she heard my dad just call her Camilla, she would've thrown a fit. Everyone calls her Cam, by her request of course. She's the only one out of the Sanders family that actually understands me. My parents always said she was an embarrassment to the family, because she wasn't all prim and proper like they wanted her to be. Correction, forced her to be. She was always really deviant. Getting tattoos, pricing, dropping out of school. All because she knew it would piss them off. And it sure did. I haven't seen her in two years, ever since she moved away with some group of hippies that lived in a van. And to be honest, I'm really excited to see her. But I'm also really worried why she's coming back, if that's the case.

    "What about Cam?" I ask them trying to contain myself. They both look at each other for a moment but then look back at me.

    "She got into some trouble," is the only thing my father dares to tell me. Even though I can tell it's probably a whole other story. "So she's going to be staying with us for awhile." I slump back in my seat and fold my arms over my chest. Having Cam be her for awhile is just what I need. And I'm not meaning that sarcastically. My parents lately have been more of douches lately then normal, especially my dad. Cam always made me feel better about that. I stand up form the kitchen table and don't even bother to push the chair back in.

    "As lovely as this outstanding representation of a shitty family meeting has been, I think I'm gonna go and throw a few punches at the gyms punching bag. That's not gay, right day?" My dad glares up at me and I can see his neck van of anger pop out a little bit, which causes me to laugh. "Didn't think so." And with that, I turn around from the table and head for the door.



"Oh my gosh, Becca!" I scream and automatically cover my eyes and turn around once I enter the apartment. On the couch is Becca and yet another random dude sprawled out on the couch wearing...well too little for my comfort. I hear Becca curse a little bit under her breath and stand up from the couch.

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