No I'm Not

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After our dinner we were told to go back to the dorm rooms and prepare for bed. I followed Freddie back up to him room. It was heartwarming how he said "hello" to everyone he passed on the way. I just did an awkward smile, how could I live up to Freddie.

We made it back to the room and sat down on the bed.

"So, what happens now?" I asked

"Well, we just get into our nightwear, have a wash and settle down. We don't have to go to bed right away, I don't until half 10" Freddie explained

"Ok, I'll wash while you get changed and then we'll swap over" I suggested

"Good with me" Freddie smiled before standing up and going towards his wardrobe. I got up and went to the bathroom.

In the bathroom I brushed my teeth whilst looking at myself in the mirror. I still had a bit of pink left on my cheeks. Maybe that was just going to be a permanent thing as long as I am around Freddie. I washed my face before patting it down on a hand towel I brought. I walked back to the main room.

"Done" I said

"Ok" Freddie passed me to get to the bathroom, he already smelled divine. He was wearing his pyjamas which only consisted of a pair of shorts. I tried to not look at his toned body but I couldn't help but take a quick glance.

I got my pyjamas out of my suitcase. I decided to only put the shorts on too. It is going to be absolutely boiling tonight. The sun is already down but it still feels like noon does in England. I got dressed and sat down on the bed with my back against the wall. I started fiddling with the pillow next to me until Freddie came out of the bathroom.

"Everything ok?" He asked

"Yeah" I smiled

"What shall we do? We have a bit of time to kill" he crawled onto the bed and sat next to me

"Let's ask each other questions, anything that springs to mind. Get to know each other" I said

"Good idea. You start!" Freddie was waiting eagerly for the first question as if we were doing an interview

"How come you don't have an accent like everyone else here?" I said

"That's because I'm not from around here" Freddie raised his eyebrows

"Where are you from?" I asked, it wasn't my turn to ask a question but I was very interested

"Zanzibar. My parents have extremely busy jobs so they sent me here" Freddie said

"That sucks" I sighed in pity for him

"Yeah. Anyway, my turn to ask!" He clapped, "What are your parents like?"

"So lovely, they would do anything for me. My mum, she is called Lilian, she makes the best cooked food ever. My dad, Arthur, he can build anything and everything" I said, it made me feel a bit sad speaking about them while they were on the other side of the world. Freddie must have seen I was sad because he put an arm around me

"It's ok, cry if you want. I might when I come to England" he chuckled

I laughed too, it took my mind off of things and put me in a good mood.

"My question now, have you ever dated anyone?" I don't know why I said that, I instantly regretted it but Freddie seemed cool with it

"Yeah, once back in Zanzibar. That's when I found out I was gay." He whispered the last part

"Fair enough" I grinned

"Are you gay?" Freddie blurted out the question, taking me by surprise

"N-no." I coughed, "no I'm not"

"Alright. Your go" Freddie brushed it off

I was still completely shocked. I hated lying and it felt so obvious. "Can we go to bed now?" I asked my final question

Freddie laughed a bit before saying, "of course darling" when he realised what he called me he instantly said, "sorry"

"It's alright Freddie, I don't mind" I smiled

He nodded and laid down on the bed. I laid down too. I was closest to the wall and Freddie was on the end. The bed was slightly bigger than a single but a tad bit smaller than a double. It was close but cosy.

In the night Freddie kept wriggling. I guess he just wasn't used to having to share the bed. Every time he accidentally touched me or slightly brushed against my skin he would shriek out a "So sorry!"

I propped myself up in my elbows, "Hey Freddie. Don't panic. It's ok I really don't mind. You don't have to apologise to me" I put my hand on his back to comfort him

He sighed deeply, "sorry"

"No need to say sorry, it's alright" I smiled

"Ok, goodnight John" he laid back down again

"Night night Freddie" I put my head back on the pillow and was soon fast asleep

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