I'll Be Waiting

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Dad put the last of Freddie's bags into the boot of the car. I decided not to go to the airport as I didn't want to get upset in front of loads of people. Freddie understood, he also wanted our goodbyes to be private. The sun shone brightly but my mood was dark and cloudy, my eyes were like storm clouds raining, my heart was like thunder rumbling.

I stood in the front garden with Freddie in front of me. We hadn't said much this morning, probably in fear of breaking down and crying in front of one another. It's bound to happen at some point, we can never manage to hide our emotions from each other. I was taking in every one of his facial features and etching it in my brain, now whenever I close my eyes I will be with him - even though he is on the other side of the Earth. Dad was sat patiently in the car and Mum was stood in the porch.

"Come on young Freddie, we better get going!" Dad called from the car

"Oh John! This is my address so we can write to each other" Freddie gave me a folded scrap of paper. I opened up the paper to see his elegant handwriting and some doodles around the edge. I was impressed by Freddie's drawings, I never realised he was an artist. In the bottom corner of the paper he drew me with my bass and him with a microphone, musical notes then trailed down the page.

"I love you" I said just before the tears fell

"I love you too. Remember all of my promises, I'll never break them. I've also got this..." Freddie pulled out a photo of us from his pocket and showed it to me. I smiled at the photo which showed me in Freddie's arms.

"This is my favourite picture" I stated. It was one of the photos taken on my birthday, we look so happy and so in love.

"Mine too" Freddie took the picture back before putting it safely in his back pocket

"Don't be too sad, I couldn't live with myself if I know this really upset you" I said as I grabbed hold of his hands

"Easier said than done my darling." Freddie raised an eyebrow, "Promise me something John?" Freddie looked up at me with those teary eyes that broke my heart

"Anything" I squeezed his hands tighter as I blinked my eyes to try and be rid of the tears drops. 

"Promise me that you will care for yourself. Remember how much you mean to people and how beautiful you are. Be yourself. Promise?" Freddie looked at me dead in the eye

We held eye contact for a moment before I nodded and said, "of course I promise, just for you"

I then felt Mum's hand on my shoulder.

"Freddie has to go now otherwise he'll miss his flight" she said calmly - contrasting to my heartbeat that was going ten to the dozen

"I don't want you to!" I blurted out and attacked Freddie in a hug, nearly knocking him flying

"Me neither, but I'll be back" Freddie spoke closely to my ear

I pulled away, knowing he had to go. I started to walk back to Mum who returned to the porch.

"John!" Freddie called out

I turned around to see he hadn't moved to the car. In fact he was stood exactly where I left him.

"Don't I get a kiss?" Freddie smiled with his arms out

I ran up to him and our bodies and lips collided. Our hands were on each other's cheeks. The kiss we shared was soft and a bit desperate. We pulled away at the same time and just gazed into one another's eyes.

"I'll be waiting" I whispered

"I know you will. Love you" Freddie whispered back

"Love you more" I smiled. How could I frown when I know he truly loves me?

"Impossible dear" Freddie shook his head before going to the car

I waved them off down the road. Every turn of the wheel broke my heart a bit more. He's gone, out of sight now. Who knows when I'll see his beautiful face again?

I ran indoors and began to cry, face down, on the sofa. Mum came in and rubbed circles on my back. When I was composed I sat up and wiped my eyes.

"Don't cry love, it's going to be alright" Mum soothed

"I miss him so much already" I admitted

"I bet he does too" Mum gave me a sympathetic look

We went out into the garden so I could get some fresh air. I took the teddy that Freddie got me for my birthday, I held it close to my chest. The red embroidered heart on the teddy was on top of my heart. His scent was still on the soft bear. Every so often I would breathe in heavily through my nose so I could smell him. Hopefully the aroma will never fade. I then realised that Heathrow's flight path was above my house. All afternoon my eyes were fixed to the sky. I waved at every plane I saw in the hope that one of them was Freddie.

The end x

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