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Kong's POV

"Oh c'mon P', it was an accident. Just this one time, please."

"Well, then I just accidentally deducted your pay."

"But P' rent is due in a few days. This is less than half of my salary for the month."

"Then you shouldn't have broken the plate."

"How can one plate cost as much as half my salary."

"What do I say, I have expensive taste. I like my customers to eat on fancy plates."

"Are you serious? Fancy? Really? Why do most chairs in this hole in the wall have wobbly legs then?"

"Part of the ambience."

"P'! Stop joking. I need the rest of my money."

"What part of my tone is telling you that I am joking? Now stop giving me a headache and get your butt back out there. I just heard another customer come in."

"But P'..."

"Do you want me to start docking your pay now for all the time you are wasting?"

I let out a loud, very frustrated growl as I stared down at the measly few notes in my hand before shoving it deep in my pocket and swinging around. I swear if I had to look at P'Jay's smug smile for a second more, the non-existent violent side of me was suddenly going to make an uninvited appearance. I marched out of the grimy kitchen back into the tiny, dark restaurant that served little other than undercooked chicken and two day old soup. Why would anyone even think of eating here was beyond me, but people did, which means atleast for the time being I have a part-time job as a waiter. A job that barely pays enough to eat anything other than said under cooked chicken that is, but that is a problem for another day.

Right now my already grumpy mood is about to get significantly darker cause one step into the restaurant and I see the familiar hand waving me over.

Ah, fuck! Will this night ever end?


A/N: Y'all, this is going to be a really weird one.

I'm not even sure why I am writing it other than the fact that it is in my head and I want it to stop being there.

I will start posting the chapters from Monday.

Have a great weekend.


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