The End

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Kong's POV

I think it took me less than a second after my eyes had fluttered open to roll onto my side and grab my phone. My hopes getting crushed instantly as I saw a truckload of messages and not one of them being from that one man being distinctly missing from the picture. In fact since the day they had dropped one gigantic bombshell on me he had pretty much disappeared completely.

Well, to be fair to him, this one time around it wasn't entirely his fault. With P'Jay spilling the backstory all the cats came flying out the bag. Especially the more pertinent information that a decade ago on her death bed Martin's wife had confessed about her daughter. And turns out since that day he has been searching for her and eventually for the coveted grandchild. AKA me. Apparently, Martin was so sure he would find his dead wife's heir that he had even kept half of their inheritance in a trust fund in hopes one day my mother would be a part of that family. And that is exactly where all the mess had begun. Who knew a little bit of someone else's money on the line makes people want to go around wanting to murder their own flesh and blood.

And since killing off Martin hadn't done the deed, I was the swanky new target. Which essentially meant that the past few weeks have been nothing more than a crazy whirlwind. Martin's brother's arrest. Multiple, multiple DNA tests. A lot of lawyers flocking around me to figure out how all the transfers in my name would work out. Family members I didn't know existed coming out from the woodwork to be my new best friends. And the worst of all, a fuck ton of bodyguards apparently keeping me safe. Which essentially meant keeping me away from P'Arthit.

With the annoying combination of constantly being under the watchful eye of the beefy men outside the safe house, the sudden media scrutiny, the case very much still active, and no more nightly work shifts at P'Jay restaurant which used to be followed by a very pleasurable drive home, I had not had the opportunity to spend two seconds alone with P'Arthit. And obviously the man had remained just as terrible as responding to calls or messages, which only means my mood has been getting grumpier by the day. In fact if I wasn't getting daily updates about the man from P'Knott and P'Bright I swear I would have marched to his house and broken the door down. For heaven's sake atleast today of all days he should have called.

My face was still stuck in my phone as I got dressed and made my way to the long, black car the bodyguards shuffled me to and from my classes every day. My mind busy debating between calling P'Arthit myself or trying to play hard to get, but seriously how much harder can the man expect me to be playing. And with these thoughts still bouncing around I had completely missed the fact that instead of the faceless suits I sat behind every day, this time I was being shoved in the backseat by an overly enthusiastic P'Bright. Behind the wheel, P'Knott already having started the car, sped out the parking lot as soon as the door was shut, weaving through the streets in full speed.

"Ummm...P'Knott? What's going on?"

"Isn't it obvious? You are getting kidnapped."


"Don't think so much. You will find out in just a minute."

And I did. Before I had even totally oriented myself I found the car being pulled up in front of what I can only describe as my personal paradise. Ideally, my manners a lot better than what I was about to display, but as soon as I recognized P'Arthit's building I practically jumped out of the barely stopped car, screamed a quick thank you, and ran with all my might to his front door. And just on cue, without me even having to knock, he swung the door open. The most precious smile in this entire world welcoming me.



"I thought you had forgotten."

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