Chapter 3

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Kong's POV

"Hey! Kongpob!"

Did I hear someone call out my name? Maybe? Was I just dreaming? I think I really did hear someone. Or atleast that is what I figured was happening while I tried to sleep walk my way back home. I did turn around though, even if it was in slow motion, to check out who was calling out my name at this time of the night. Except all I saw was a dark, deserted street, completely devoid of any human presence.

Shaking my head clear I scrunched my eyes to better see where I had heard the sound from when suddenly a man speed walked right past me. Where the fuck had he come from? I have walked this same exact path like a thousand times and never had I come across another person on this road at this hour.

And right about the time I was about to address the man to see if he was the one who had called out to me I was suddenly jerked around by my elbow, coming face to face with a deeply frowning P'Arthit.

Now where the hell had he come from? Was there like a carnival somewhere back there? How many more people were planning on popping up from a seemingly deserted road.

"P'...P'Arthit? What are you doing here?"

His hand was still very much wrapped around arm but instead of responding to me, or even looking at me directly, he was staring past me for some reason. Like something behind me was holding all his attention. But just as I was about to turn around to check it out myself, he squeezed my elbow to bring my attention back to him.

"Oh...uh...I just came by to return you phone. You left it at the station."

I stared at the outstretched hand holding the familiar phone, and I immediately mentally kicked myself. Did I seriously not even notice all day that my phone was missing? How fucking sad was my life that I get such few calls or messages that I go an entire day without even realizing I don't have it in my pocket.

I gave him an awkward smile as I took the phone from his hand and slipped it back in my pants, mumbling out a thank you while already taking a few steps backward. Hoping against all odds that I wouldn't have to stay and actually talk to him again.

For one, I was insanely tired and I could think of little else other than passing out on my crappy bed after the roller coaster of 24 hours I had just experienced. And another, and probably more relevant reason, was that I was freakishly intimidated by the man standing in front of me. Can you even really blame me? I had been grilled by this senior inspector relentlessly for the better part of the night, and as much as a bumbling idiot I had come across, even I understood he was seriously looking at me as a suspect.

And as if that wasn't reason enough to be wary of the man in of itself, it was also about just...him. He was all immaculately dressed in a crisp white shirt and perfectly tailored pants. A gun holstered right as his waist. His gelled hair and chiseled jaw making it distracting to even look at him straight. And then there was his piercing gaze. Sometimes it felt like he looked right through me. Right into my soul.

Unfortunately, in my brief interactions with him I think I have come to realize what I did and did not want might not be that relevant. So he comfortably fell in step with me as I was attempting quite hard to get away.

"You are very welcome Kongpob. It was actually my pleasure to come give it to you personally. You know as a thank you for being so open and accommodating last night. Come, let me walk you home. Did you happen to remember anything else since we last had a chance to talk?"


Anything else? Was he serious?

We had gone through every second with excruciating detail more than once last night. My throat was still sore from having talked almost non-stop, and now the man had more things he wanted to know? He is going to make my life hell wasn't he?

I was almost perking up as we approached my building, silently prepping a quick goodbye, more than prepared to pass right out as soon as I rushed into my apartment, but alas, why would my life get any easier now when nothing has ever gone my way? So even though I was fully prepared to bid the man adieu he kept walking along my side until we reached right upto my front door. Looking very much like he wanted an invitation to enter. And turns out what the man wants, the man gets.

The first thing he did was scan the room in its entirety, which honestly took him less than a few minutes seeing I live in a pigeonhole. My face blushing a bright red when I saw his gaze linger briefly on the scattered pots and pans around the apartment that were solely responsible for collecting rivulets of water dripping constantly from the ceiling anytime it rained for more than a few minutes a day. The broken window banging repeatedly due to the hustling wind outside. The one bulb in the center of the room swaying rhythmically casting a creepy shadow all around us.

Nothing at all looked more out of place in that instant than P'Arthit standing in the middle of my room looking around my bare bones apartment. I would have asked him to take a seat, but the only options were the bed, which was a weird thing to say to a man investigating you, or a sole chair where its forth leg was duct taped on.

Ok, let's scratch the sitting offer. Perhaps I could make the situation a little less awkward by giving him some tea? Wait, I was out of tea. And coffee. And sugar. What the hell was I supposed to give him now? Boiled water? Oh right I forgot, my stove wasn't working either.

Which basically left me with only one thing to do. Look rather pointedly at the door and hope he got the hint. What was the man doing here in the first place? Not like scrutinizing my shitty apartment was going to help him solve the murder anyway. But after a good ten minutes of just standing around without exchanging a new word, I finally cleared my throat to get his attention.

"'s been a really long day..."

To which he simply nodded and continued looking around the room.

"...and I'm kinda tired..."

"Yeah, I guess you must be."

Going right back to ignoring my very clear signal, he kept his feet firmly planted in my apartment. What the hell was I supposed to do to get rid of the man?

"Uh...P'Arthit, do you have anything else you need to ask me? Cause I would really like to get some sleep otherwise."

I don't think this was greatest idea cause suddenly his eyes were focused back to me. His gaze boring through me, keeping me very firmly rooted to my spot. I was still partly shaking with the intensity of his look when he took three slow steps to come stand right in front of me.



"Give me your phone."

I am not really sure why I unquestioningly pulled it out and handed it to him, but the even more surprising part was him punching a few buttons before he grabbed my hand and softly placed it back on my palm.

"This is my personal number. I want you to call me if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Do you understand?"

The shock on my face must be quite evident cause he squeezed my hand with some urgency and repeated.

"Kongpob! Answer me. Do you understand? You need to call me if something happens."

I had just barely nodded to indicate I understood before he turned around and marched right out banging the door shut behind him.

What the fuck just happened?


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