Chapter 9

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Kong's POV

You know not once in my entire life have I ever managed to sleep beyond the crack of dawn, and yet every single time in the past week I have opened my eyes I was greeted with the delicious smell of freshly cooked breakfast.

Except today morning. For the first time since I have entered this house I actually woke up to a sleeping P'Arthit barely a few inches away from me, softly snoring as the rays washed him in an ethereal glow. Turns out superheroes need to recover after getting injured too.

Which gives me the perfect opportunity to do something nice for him for the first time. Probably the smallest thing I can do in return for everything he has done for me until now.

And I know it's not at all personal for him. That he would probably not even give me a second look let aloe let me stay in his house if it wasn't for the case. And you never know by the time next week rolls around they will have solved the case, my leg will heal, and probably P'Arthit would send me packing on my way to become nothing more than a name in a file. Whereas I was most likely going to relive this one perfect week of my life over and over again where I was a murder suspect and yet got to sleep right next to one of the most impressive man I have ever met.

"I didn't know you could cook."

I swung around to find P'Arthit enter the kitchen while taking over the ladle from my hand and serving up the plates as we headed over to the dining table. All of a sudden life getting infused into every cell of my body, a bounce in my step as soon as I heard his words to me first thing in the morning.

"Oh yeah, I am awesome. At the orphanage I was always on kitchen duty."

I don't know why I find myself always grinning whenever his attention is fully trained on me. Probably he thinks I am a regular clown and yet he seems to have never dismissed anything I say. He even nodded at my response before he began quietly eating his breakfast. He really, really didn't like to talk much though. Or maybe it was just with me. And yet it felt like I have known him all my life.

Well, it may have something to do with the fact that I have bombarded a million questions about him, his family, his work, even his thankfully non-existent love life from P'Knott and P'Bright. And even though he mostly stayed in his own head whenever he was alone with me, sitting next to him silently just felt so comfortable. As if I was finally home.

"Aren't P'Knott and P'Bright coming? P'Bright gets really grumpy if he doesn't get breakfast as soon as he gets here."

Did he just cluck his tongue?

"No. It's just me today."

"Really? You don't have to go to work?"


"You are going to be home all day?"


I think my ridiculous ear splitting grin must be back cause he quickly diverted his head and began shoving large spoonfuls of food in his mouth. But I wasn't going to be able to help it, was I? Now instead of digging for information about him from his colleagues I might actually get to talk to him directly.

Or atleast that was the plan which was failing spectacularly since P'Arthit must have taken a vow of silence of some sort. Or atleast something very similar cause as we settled next to each other on the dining table for the day, me with my truckload of classwork, him with a heap of case files he seemed rather disinclined to respond to whatever conversation topic I attempted with little other than his characteristic grunt.

"P'Jay told me he would give me my job back after my leg heals."

I wasn't sure if I should take the low grunt as a positive that he was atleast acknowledging what I was saying or a negative that I was just bothering him with things he couldn't care less about.

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