Chapter 12

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Kong's POV

It took me all of 10 seconds to stuff my meagre belongings,  mostly the few t-shirts and the new pair of pants P'Arthit had bought for me into my duffle bag and ran right back to the shut door to press my ear flat against it. Thankfully, neither of them were particularly discrete about their arguments. And with every word spoken in a raised voice, my heart sank a little lower.

My face was still stuck against the door when it was suddenly swung open, P'Arthit grabbing my shoulder to stabilize me before shutting the door softly behind him. My voice automatically lowered, clearly agitated with the turn of events for the night.

"P' do I really have to go? I don't want to leave."

He stared at me for a few moments before he pulled me towards him, his hand circling my nape while his fingers buried deep into my hair as he pressed his mouth against mine. I could feel the tips of his fingers digging into my scalp as he continued nibbling at my lips. Both the oxygen in my brain as well as all my rational thoughts leaving me at a rather accelerated pace, when he finally pulled back. The reality finally floating back in me as he grabbed the duffle bag from my hand and walked towards his closet. Pulling out some more of his clothes and other accessories and filling the rest of my bag. I was still gaping at him with partial shock, partial confusion. Somehow I seemed to be doing that a lot, as he walked up straight up to me and grabbed my face again. Dropping multiple kisses on my mouth as he finally spoke up.

"I don't want you to go either. But right now Knott is right. You need to go with them."

"But P'..."

He silenced me again, quite effectively I might add, by repeating the barrage of wet kisses all over my face.

"I know, I know. Just a few days. I promise. I will bring you back. As soon as I solve this whole mess, I will bring you back. For now, I want you to make sure you trust absolutely no one other than Bright and Knott ok? They will look after you. And I will check in with you every day. You just have to focus on being safe until then."

I knew what he was saying made sense. I knew why I had to probably leave. In theory I even completely understood it. P'Arthit was a busy man. And now he was injured. Babysitting me every day was probably a massive waste of his time. But I still didn't want to go. I had lived with him for just a few days. Known him only a little longer. And yet I felt like I was leaving behind a large chunk of my heart as I quietly slipped inside P'Knott's car.

The night stretching endlessly as P'Bright hovered around my bed every hour to make sure I was still ok. The breakfast tasting particularly bland as I kept staring at my phone every 5 minutes expecting a call or a message or anything actually. Which was my hourly, dammit even daily activity for the next 4 excruciating days. Even the blasted doctor's visit was nothing more than me craning my neck towards the entrance hoping a rare sighting of the man. But alas he appeared literally nowhere except my dreams. Over 50 messages and P'Arthit hasn't replied to even one of them.

Didn't he say he would check in everyday? The man has to keep his word. This is not fair you know. Infact it's the absolute opposite of fair. The only reason I even agreed to stay with P'Knott and P'Bright was cause he promised to talk to me. And then suddenly the man vanishes from existence.

Well, actually that's not true at all. I knew he was around. Constantly. He was talking to the both of them probably every hour. Just not me. In fact at one point he was even under the very building I was staying at and still nothing.

His ping ponging attitude towards me driving me totally insane. One minute he has this impenetrable wall around him, then he all but devours me whole, making me discover all these new things I had never experienced before, and then the very next instant he goes right back to ignoring me again.

What the hell, right?

So you can imagine my disappointment when I pounced on my phone when it rang the first time in days, only to discover it wasn't P'Arthit calling. Ofcourse it wasn't.

"Oh, hello P'Jay."

"Wow! Could you sound any more depressed talking to me?"

"Oh it's not that, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"Uh...nothing...what's up?"

"Your leg is all healed up?"


"Ok good. You coming to work tomorrow then right?"


"Oh c'mon Kong. I can't keep filling in for you. You want to keep the job or not? Or do you suddenly not need money anymore?"

"I do, I do. But..."

"Well you can take that but and bring it with you tomorrow if you still want your job. Don't be late now. Bye."

I stared at my phone silently before I squared my shoulders and walked out of the room to go talk to P'Bright.

"P'...I was wondering if after class tomorrow I can go to my job too. I think I will lose it if I don't resume soon."

He was reading one of the hundreds of files they seem to keep around them constantly. His head slowly raising as he weighed my words. Even as a cop P'Bright seemed to normally not be the serious types and yet right now he looked like he was deep in concentration, contemplating my request before letting out a sigh.

"We can't officially stop you for going anywhere you want to, so I guess it's ok. We will have someone wait outside the restaurant during your shift."

I nodded a quick thanks as I began walking back to the room when I heard him whisper under his breath.

"Arthit is really not going to be happy about it."

Hearing his name making me clench my jaw only harder. If he was not happy with something I was doing, he was more than welcome to tell me so himself. But since he had vowed to have no contact with me, perhaps I should stop caring about what he must be upto too.

Easier said than done cause it really didn't help me not swinging my neck from left to right all day long in my first day back to classes. Every single time spotting P'Knott or P'Bright giving me a tiny acknowledging wave. My expressions falling every single time.

Being safe and all was great, but what was the point when I couldn't even get a glimpse of the man who had essentially taken over my consciousness. I hadn't even heard a squeak from his end.

And maybe if I wasn't so preoccupied with obsessing over why he hadn't even messaged me in days, I would probably be able to make a little more sense as to why as soon as I stepped foot in the infamous Jay's Noddle Shop, did my boss himself come flying across the room. Flinging his arms around me as he pulled me in for a tight hug.

"Kong! I missed you. How you been, man?"

And probably the shock on my face at having this rather uncharacteristic reaction at seeing me from P'Jay would have stuck a lot longer, if I hadn't heard the loud clearing of throat right behind.

My expressions cycling through surprise, then excitement, and then immediately devolving into intense blushes as I saw P'Arthit standing not two feet away from us. Staring at us with unconcealed intensity as P'Jay still had his arms around my waist. The frown on his face only getting deeper while he kept me pinned to my spot with his obviously unhappy scowl.

"Well then, what do we have here?"


A/N: Hi people!

Sorry for the delayed updates. My quick surgery became a rather long, complicated week at the hospital. 

Good news: I think it's the last of it.

Bad news: I am going to be stuck in bed, throwing a barrage of updates your way.


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