Chapter 14

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Kong's POV

P'Arthit traced the outline of my lips slowly with his tongue before giving a final nibble to my lower lip. I have learnt that is how he generally likes to end our short make out session from the several kisses we have shared by now. In fact I seemed to have picked up quite a few of his quirks this past week. Like how to liked to slip his hands inside my shirt and run them up and down my naked back. Or how he paid extraordinary attention to the base of my neck. Making sure the dark hickey remained permanently stamped. Or probably my favorite part, that every single night after our reluctant goodbyes, right before he would make a move to turn away for the evening he would pounce back in for one final kiss.

Something else he really liked to do was drop a hundred small pecks across my collar bone while we talked briefly about our day.

"Are those two taking care of you alright?"

"Ye...yeah, they are super nice."

"You have everything you need?"

"Don't worry P', P'Bright and P'Knott look after me really well. They are always very attentive. P'Bright even bought me lunch today to my class cause I was too busy with my project."


I would have mentioned how insanely adorable I found his grumpy reactions whenever he was being unnecessarily jealous or particularly possessive for no reason at all. But somehow I never got the chance to do so, seeing how we did very little actual talking given that P'Knott had permitted us exactly five minutes alone every night.

And trust me when I say he was like a drill sergeant when it came to our time limit. That man has a nose of a blood hound or something, cause no matter how many darkened alleys we have tried to venture into to get any semblance of privacy, as soon as the 5 minute timer was up, there was a creepy finger poking P'Arthit's shoulder indicating how desperately we would require a cold, cold shower soon.

Which means after eight days of trying to dodge the man, we had basically conceded to our fate. P'Arthit was still beyond terrible at responding to my text messages, but he did show up religiously at the Noodle Shop every evening. Sitting on the corner table while he half kept an eye on me, half read one file after another. Honestly it didn't seem the man ever stopped working. Atleast I could manage to sneak out the least stale bowl of soup in front of him or a coffee that wasn't made mainly from saw dust. And finally at the end of the long, long day he would drive me home before we could snatch our five minutes alone together.

Sometimes P'Knott or P'Bright would make their way to the car to pick me up for the night. Mostly though P'Arthit would slip his fingers between mine, hold my hand tight and walk me up to the door of the safe house. Just like he had done tonight.

With one final kiss pressed hard against my mouth, P'Arthit gave a sharp knock on the front door, and before it could even be swung open he was already at the end of the long hallway, a soft 'I will see you tomorrow' still sweetly ringing in my ears.

"Wipe that silly grin off your face please."

P'Knotts clearly displeased grumble only making my smile that much broader, as he continued muttering under his breath.

"For heaven's sake it's past 1 already. That dimwit should know not to keep you out so late when you have classes at bloody 7 in the morning. I don't understand what's gotten into that man. One minute he is a lifelong celibate and next he starts behaving like a horny teenager. Now off to bed you go. I need me sleep too you know. I can't keep worrying about both you fools."

"Goodnight P'Knott."

I don't think the smile on my face was about to fade anytime soon, no matter how late in the night it got, in fact as soon as I heard my phone buzz I practically tripped over my feet to go grab it, just in case it was one of those rare times P'Arthit missed me so much that he had to call me as soon as he got home. Turns out he hadn't

"Yo! Kong! I have the best news in the world."


"Of course it's me. Who else will be calling you?"

I was tempted to boast about a certain, extremely hot, someone who had been showering me with some extraordinary amount of attention lately, but I bit my tongue cause I doubt P'Arthit would appreciate me broadcasting about our very scandalous relationship.

"Yeah, no one but you. Anyway what's up?"

"I think I found a way to put all these useless problems behind us."


"I found someone who knows what happened to Marty."

"Really? What happened?"

"See, there is a catch though. He says he will only tell you."

"Me? Why?"

"Don't know. According to him you are somehow connected to Marty and that's why he was killed. But he said he won't talk to anyone except you."

"Wait, he knows how I am connected to the murder? Who is this guy?"

"Marty's old lawyer."

"Oh! Can't he just go to the cops if he knows who killed Marty then?"

"Nope. He says he will talk only to you. In fact he will scram even with even the tiniest whiff of cops around. So we need to find a way to get you away from those hawks tailing you non-stop. This is what I was thinking..."

"Wait, wait, wait. Slow down. Are you saying I should try and ditch P'Arthit and go talk to this random guy alone?"

"Not alone. With me. And ofcourse that's what I'm saying. Your P'Arthit hasn't really done anything to solve the case now has he?"

"He is working on it."

"How the hell would you know? Has he even told you anything?"

"He can't tell me anything while the case is still going on. You should know that."

"That's all bullshit. He isn't telling you anything cause you are a suspect and they are going to pin the whole murder on you. Why do you think they haven't left you alone for one damn second? They don't want you to run away and lose their only scapegoat."

"It's not like that at all. P'...P'Arthit is just keeping me safe."

"You are just as gullible as you always were huh? You think that top cop sits in our restaurant all night watching you cause he has nothing better to do? If he cared so much maybe he would be out there trying to catch the psycho who shot down Marty. Now stop being a fool, we need to find a way to ditch them tomorrow if we want to put an end to this once and for all."

I don't even think I was listening to what P'Jay was saying anymore. I couldn't possibly believe that P'Arthit was keeping me around just cause I was nothing more than a suspect for him even now. I wasn't. What I was, I really didn't know yet, but I had to be something more right? You don't go around kissing someone the way he did when you feel absolutely nothing for that person. And yet what did I really know about him? I had barely met him over a month ago. And he had famously kept conversation between us to the minimum.

And then there was P'Jay. He may be a bully at times. He may even snivel out from paying me for all the hours I worked, but I have known him all my freaking life. In fact I was pretty damn sure I would be dead in a ditch somewhere ages ago if P'Jay hadn't helped me a million times before. If I couldn't trust him who else deserved my blind faith.

"I...I...what do you want me to do...?"

"Good, so this is what I was thinking..."


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