Chapter 7

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Kong's POV

As the warm sunlight hit my face my eyelids fluttered open to catch the rising dawn. I think I can unequivocally claim that this was the best sleep of my life.

Perhaps it was due to the painkillers that had knocked me right out. Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that for the first time in my entire life I had laid on a bed so soft that it felt like I was floating on a cloud all night. And if I was being completely honest being enveloped by P'Arthit's musky fragrance didn't hurt either. And even though my leg was practically killing me I woke with a wider smile than I have in months.

The best part, as soon as I woke up I was welcomed with the delicious smell of sizzling breakfast, a brand new toothbrush, and a new set of clothes waiting solely for me. I guess having death threats can pay off once in a while.

I know I had nearly lost my mind last night when I sort of began following what was going on but all in all today morning was looking much better. I even managed to catch half a smile on P'Arthit's face when I entered the dining room before he shook his head and replaced it with a menacing look.

Is it just with me or does he always pretend to be so grumpy when actually he is quite a mush ball? Maybe it is part of the job requirement, either ways he can't hide his true nature for too long when even while being gruff he was piling a mountain of food on my plate and fussing over me constantly if I wanted coffee or juice. Was there even a choice? Ofcourse it would be juice. I haven't had that thing in over a decade now.

Trying extra hard to not make orgasmic noises while I sipped on some sweet OJ I attempted to concentrate on what P'Arthit was saying.

"Can you miss classes till your leg heals? You will be a lot safer if you stay indoors for a while."

"Yeah, I think I should be fine. But are you sure it's ok for me to stay here?"

"Where else were you planning on going?"

"I...uh...I could probably ask my friend if I could crash at his place..."

"And put him in danger too?"


"So it's settled then. You will stay here until we have it all figured out. Hopefully before you can go back to college. Don't worry we will make sure you have security watching over you the entire time."

"What about you?"

"Me? I mean this is my house so I will be staying here too obviously."

"No, what I meant was, you were following me right? So now that you don't have to do that...are you going to be"

"No! No. I...umm...I have to go into work. But I will send someone over. Someone I trust."

I nodded in acknowledgement, feeling a pang of disappointment at how vehemently he didn't want to stick around. I guess he was at a fairly high position. He must probably have much better things to do than play babysitter to a little old nobody like me. I should count my blessings instead of being a demanding brat that he was actually permitting me to stay under his roof.


"Yes P'?"

"Can you remember anything else from that night? Anything you may have missed? Did you by chance see someone on the street near Martin? Do you have any idea who would be targeting you?"

"No, P'. I am very sure there was no one on the street. I even ran up and down trying to look for someone to help. I made sure to try to hear any sounds around us too, but there weren't any. Whoever it was that killed Marty, was gone by the time I got there."

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