Chapter 11

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Arthit's POV




"Not even a little bit?"


"Son? Grandson? Nephew? Long lost cousin? Anything?"

"Well, they are both human men. So congrats to us for discovering that."

I ran a frustrated hand through my hair as Kong looked at the three of us with confused eyes, thankfully too preoccupied with trying to figure out what was going on to not worry about that giant hickey decorating his neck.

"What the hell are you guys talking about? What about my DNA?"

I was still trying to not squirm under Knott's very accusing eyes, his gaze getting narrower every time Kong turned to look at me, when Bright decided to fill Kong in on one of our insane theories.

"Arthit here had the brilliant idea that you might be related to Martin."

"What? That's crazy. How would Marty and I be related."

"'s not too crazy. You are an orphan. You don't know who your parents are. He has no kids. That we know of. He seemed to like hanging around you and then boom, funeral time. It's obvious you are connected somehow."

"Yeah, but related? That still seems a little far-fetched."

"Martin has 13 siblings, 35 cousins, and 82 nieces and nephews. That family humps like bunnies. Chances that one of them popped you out at some point is actually a very reasonable assumption."


"Nope. Sorry Kong. We tested every last one of them. You don't seem to have any of that Suttirat blood in you."

"Hmmm....well, that's good...I think...So then how am I related to this whole mess?"

Three loud sighs heaved as a response made it clear enough that we had very little idea what the fuck was going on. I was about to rush over to his side to comfort him as his clearly crestfallen face once again started snatching violently at my heart strings when suddenly I found my path annoyingly blocked by my super-sized friend. Knott's deep frown very much still stamped on his forehead as he crossed his arms across his chest while he growled out.

"Boss said to bring back Kong to the safe house. Oh, and I am taking over his security."

"What? No! I want to stay here with P'Arthit."

Knott's expressions softened slightly as he turned around to look at Kong's frantic exclamation. Weird how his glaring is boring hole in my head where as he is being nothing but a complete mush ball to Kong. I think he may have temporarily have forgotten who was his superior and who was the suspect here. His voice sounding a little too smooth as he began coaxing Kong.

"It's really for Arthit's benefit Kong. He is already injured and boss thinks he should take a few days off to recover. And if he has to keep worrying about your safety he won't be able to get better. Plus just in case someone tries to attack you again don't you think it's better that you are not around Arthit's home. It will just be safer for both of you. Don't worry Bright and will stay with you every second of the day until it all gets sorted out. Now why don't you go pack up your bags while we fill Arthit in with some of the more boring details."

Cheap shot, Knott. And it was clearly working since Kong immediately looked at me with uncertain eyes. His gaze repeatedly flitting between Knott and my abdomen where my wound lay hidden. His one foot half about to move towards me while the other already falling for Knott's spin. His indecision being finally tipped over as Knott loudly cleared his throat and nudged Kong towards the bedroom. Waiting for the door to the shut softly before he swung around and glared at me once again.

"What the fuck Arthit."

I should ideally be squirming under the death glare Knott, and surprisingly even Bright, were shooting at me that instant, but to be really honest I think there is nothing they could tell me now I hadn't told myself a billion times already last week.

"Arthit have you lost your bloody marbles? Please, please, please tell me you haven't slept with Kong."

I shrugged, more than ready for the two of them to finish yelling at me things I already knew and go check on the boy in my bedroom who must be very surely freaking out.

"I haven't slept with Kong."

"Oh thank God. Honestly, Arthit I don't understand what has gotten into you. For fuck's sake you can get suspended. Or fired! You know you can't be messing around with Kong while the case is still going on right? If boss finds out what you are upto he is literally going to kill you."

Did Bright think I haven't obsessed about the exact same thing over and over again all week. I remained silent though as both of them kept pacing up and down my living room, practically pulling their hair out.

"What happened to the normal, sane, boring Arthit we knew. 5 whole years I try to get you to go on one goddamn date and when you finally discover your sexuality it is with a kid who is wet behind his years, and what's worse he is our bloody main witness. Arrggghhh! Arthit are you seriously trying to raise my blood pressure here."

"How about we pretend the two of you have finished yelling at me and actually getting around to updating me with what's going on."

I reflected Knott's pose as I finally returned his stare, hands perched on my hips as I tapped my foot impatiently. Our staring contest continuing for a few minutes before Bright let out another frustrated sigh and tossed a sealed bag in my direction, which I reflexively caught.

"What is this?"

"Martin's diary. We found it in a dumpster a few blocks away from the murder site. It has his finger prints all over it."

"Oh, this is great. Kong said Martin had it on him the night of the murder. Did you find something interesting in it?"

I tenderly pulled the diary out and started flipping through the book. Except page after page was filled with the sketch of the same person.

"It's his wife. We went through it many times. It doesn't seem to have anything about Kong. Or any clues about who would be after him or Kong or what their connection was. Just a lot of sketches about his wife."

I kept staring at the pages as if there was a clue hiding there somewhere that I had simply failed to recognize. I knew there was a link. I knew it. I just had to find it. And the sooner I cracked this case the sooner I could start knocking down the hundred hurdles between me and Kong.

I pushed the diary back in the bag and slowly placed it on Knott's hand as I turned around towards the bedroom.

"Listen Arthit I really think..."

"I'm going to let you take Kong away today. Don't make me regret it."


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