Chapter 16

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Kong's POV

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!"


"I am dead, I am dead. I think I am shot. Shit I am dyingggg...."

"Oooffff...P'Jay got off me. You are not dead. But you are definitely crushing me with that jumbo body of yours. Now move."

"No way! I am trying to save your life."

" your body bullet proof? How exactly are you saving my life?"

"Stop trying to push me away after I took a bullet for you."

"P'Jay, you are not shot. Now will you get off me please."

But before he could argue with me some more, a garbled response on the tip of his tongue, he was suddenly pulled roughly by his collar. Pushed onto his trembling legs, as I could finally see the darkened, star lit sky again. My view immediately occluded by a grinning face bending over me. Although I would really appreciate P'Bright's smile not flashing just so wide while I am still trying to calm my racing heart from a near death experience.

"You ok there?"

I took a few steadying breaths before I reached out to grab his outstretched hand as he pulled me up. The tremors still running wildly up and down my spine while I kept the scowl of displeasure very firmly planted on my face.

"Seriously P'! You'll really couldn't come up with a better plan that didn't involve using me as bait? What if that guy actually managed to shoot me?"

"There are like 30 snipers surrounding us right now. Also Knott hasn't missed a mark in all his 30 years. And do you really think Arthit would have let you be anywhere around here unless we had it all under control. Both of us know you were safer than you have ever been. Now quit being such a baby. If you want someone fawning over you, you will have to wait until your lover boy gets here."

And right on cue I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my body as I felt the tightest hug of my life.

"Kong! Are you ok? Are you hurt? Did you fall too hard? Was that idiot too heavy? Were you scared? Tell me!"

While P'Arthit kept running his hands all over my body to check for nonexistent injuries I was debating between milking some more affection out of him or letting him stop worrying over me when I was clearly more than OK.

In fact I knew I would be ok the second I had hung up P'Jay's phone last night and called P'Arthit the next instant. And before I had even finished my entire story he had come running back to the safe house. Holding my hand in an extra tight grip all night as the three of them kept going over the plan for tonight repeatedly. How could I not be ok when I knew P'Arthit will be looking out for me every second? Didn't stop me from being a little freaked out through the night. Not anymore though. Fear had all but evaporated as soon as I had felt him next to me.

We heard a loud throat clearing next to us with P'Knott glared at us with bulging eyes, grunting through his teeth.

"For heaven's sake, stop making out with the whole department staring straight at you. Focus please."

P'Arthit gave a short nod before removing his hands that had almost found their way under my shirt, straightening my garment hurriedly, and grabbing my hand within his once again. Finally making our way towards the infamous man in the overcoat and the large hat who had just attempted to shoot us. A still shaking P'Jay staring around him blankly, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

"Ko...Kong? Did...did you tell the cops...about...about tonight? Did you bring them here?"


"Oh thank God."

He tried to reach out, I suppose to give me a hug of relief, when he was not so surprisingly stopped with a firm hand on his chest.

"Let's try to stay atleast at a 2 ft distance from Kong at all points."

For half a second P'Jay actually looked like he was going to snap at P'Arthit before he took in the death glare being shot towards his direction and gave a brief nod. Taking a step back as he looked at me.

"Well as bummed as I am about you not trusting me, thank god you managed to bring these guys along with you."

Before I had a chance to respond though, P'Arthit once again interjected.

"Yeah good thing Kong isn't as much of an idiot as you are. Who seriously thinks meeting someone at an abandoned dock doesn't lead to getting shot in the head. Anyway, don't thank your stars just yet, cause you are in some deep shit for now. Are you ready to talk or would you prefer getting arrested before you decide to spill your guts?"

P'Jay immediately snapped his mouth shut, looking around furtively while trying to put on his mask of innocence. How did I not realize until now how suspiciously fake was P'Jay's acting.

"I...I don't know what you are talking about. There is nothing I have to say."

P'Arthit let out a loud snort, his hand still very firmly linked through mine.

"In that case, Knott can you do the honors of cuffing the man please."

"Oh, gladly."

"Wait, wait, wait. I already told you I had nothing to do with this guy. I don't even know who he is. Or with Marty's murder. I swear. I don't know anything about it."

"You must know how ridiculous that sounds right? Even if I were to believe you were not involved in Martin's murder, we are still standing here cause you were the one who led Kong to a deserted alleyway to meet up with someone you claim knows what happened. And then you almost get Kong shot. That's already more than enough for me to lock your ass up until you are ready to tell me your entire life story. But I have a feeling there is a lot more you haven't been completely honest about now have you?"

All of us saw his mouth open and shut multiple times perfectly resembling a fish caught in an inescapable trap. A deflated sigh finally escaping him before he turned towards me. His face covered in partial guilt, partial fear.

"Listen Kong, whatever I did I thought it was for the best."


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