Chapter 17

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Arthit's POV

I looked over at Kong for probably the millionth time as the four of us settled into one of the interrogation rooms back at the station. Knott hovering protectively over Kong in a way he had come to do in the past few weeks. Keeping Jay distinctly away from him as we shuffled the lot into the same room I had first questioned Kong.

The poor boy looking so lost and confused  as it was finally beginning to sink in that his P'Jay wasn't entirely as trustworthy as he had made him out to be. And if my boss wasn't sitting barely 10 feet away on the other side of the door I would have rushed to Kong's side and drowned him in endless embraces. But squeezing his hand discretely under the table to show my silent support would have to suffice for now. Only when I felt the tremors running through his body slightly subside did I finally give a short nod towards Knott to let this shit-show begin and get some actually answers for once. Even with as much as we already knew, there were still so many holes in our storyline. I cannot even imagine the utter shock Kong was about to face.

"So how long have you been getting paid to keep Kong hidden?"

"Listen, Kong, I swear it wasn't like that at all. I was just..."

"Dude, for the last time. It's me you are talking to. Address Kong directly one more time and you will find it very hard to talk to him again for a long, long time."

Kong looked a little surprised at Knott's intimidating growl, before we turned our attention back to the man in the hot seat who had clearly started perspiring profusely under our constant glares.

"So can we cut the crap now and start actually talking. When did you start getting paid? Who was the one paying you? And what exactly were you supposed to be doing anyway? I will let you choose the order in which you answer."

The silence extended around us for several minutes as the fingers interlacing mine kept squeezing my hand in a tight grip. The tips actually turning slightly cold by the time Jay finally began whispering their life story.

"When I was about 13 I guess. I had been at the orphanage all my life at that point. I was the oldest kid there. There were very few rules. No one really cared what we did or how we behaved. I basically ruled the damn place."

"If you were 13, how old was Kong?"

"Uhh...about 5."

"So this was over 15 years ago?"


"Ok, so you were ruling over a bunch of pre-teen orphans. Continue."

"Our caretaker at the time was a massive douche. Corrupt as hell. Would do literally anything to make a quick buck. So, yeah about the time Kong had just turned 5 there were some folks who had come asking questions about him. Shady looking guys. One look and you could tell they were up to no good at all. And yet Ricky, our caretaker at the time, was more than ready to hand Kong over to them just for a something little under the table. That's illegal you know. Uh...yeah ok you probably know. But anyway, if I hadn't intervened at that point Kong would have probably been sold off in some trafficking deal. I threatened to go to cops and everything. I told you I have been looking out for Kong this entire time."

"Were these shady men the ones who ended up paying you thousands of dollars for 15 years now?"


A quick glance at Kong was enough to tell me it was only beginning to sink in how elaborate the tales being spun around him were. Knott continuing shooting questions at him without being fazed from all the fluff Jay managed to add with the actually relevant information we cared about.

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