Chapter 10

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Kong's POV

It took me whole good ten seconds to realize P'Arthit was actually kissing me. I rushed to scrunch my eyes shut, butterflies running a stampede in my stomach as I felt the pressure around my neck increase. P'Arthit slowly pulling me towards him until I found myself practically draped across his lap.

A gulp escaping my mouth as I felt both his hands slip down the side of my torso, circling around my hips to grip my buttocks as he adjusted my legs to either side of his waist. My mind reeling from suddenly being pressed right against his body. My hands slightly shivering against his shoulders trying to desperately get my heart beat under control when he pulled back slightly to look at me.

"Is this your first kiss?"


He gave me a small smile as he squeezed my backside a little tighter, pulling me only further into him. His growl lowering to a soft whisper.

"Open your mouth."

"But P' your wound..."

My sentence barely halfway through when he had claimed my mouth again, his tongue diving deep into my mouth, dancing around mine. Every suck, every nibble making me even more intoxicated. And by the time I had my hands buried deep within his hair as I tried to match his passionate frenzy, I had seemed to lose my grip on reality since I was barely even aware when he had wrapped my legs around him to carry me towards his bedroom. It wasn't until I found my back pressed against his soft mattress, our mouths still very much fused together that I became aware of my surroundings.

I think I might enjoy kissing. I might enjoy it very much. In fact when I felt P'Arthit pull away once again slightly, I immediately followed his movements to not let him break contact. Still looming over me he cupped my cheek while tenderly brushing my swollen lips with his thumb. His soft voice enveloping me in a cocoon of silky smoothness.

"Tell me to stop."

I blinked at him stupidly for a few moments before vigorously shaking my head no. Stop? No way! I wish this moment never ever ends. And even as that thought flashed through my brain, watching him bend down once again had my pulse spiking. My heart nearly jumping out my body as I felt his hands slip under my t-shirt.

My body arching involuntarily as he began grinding his hardened erection against mine while he took the opportunity to expertly rid me of my shirt. I would have impulsively tried to conceal my naked chest from his piercing gaze but he was paying very close attention to my neck, exposed shoulder, down my sternum, his lips closing around my nipples. The combination of his mouth and tongue and teeth driving me to my brink.

When I felt his fingers flirt around the hem of my tracks I wasn't entirely sure if I wanted to shove him and run really far away or pull him even closer and urge him to take any and all liberties he desired.

My entire body shivering slightly with anticipation as I felt his teeth nip around my hip bone. My pants slowly sliding down as he continued feasting on my flesh. And then suddenly I felt his warm breath on my very exposed dick. I shut my eyes as tightly as possible, just thinking about him staring at my nakedness making my body flush violently.

I felt his slightly roughened hand wrap around my length just as a moist tongue sensuously licked the tip. I really wish I had the guts to actually open my eyes and watch him as he slowly swallowed me but I swear I would erupt the second I tried to do that. Instead I was too busy moaning as I felt the hot, moist cavern engulf me whole, expending super human energy to not reach the fastest climax ever recorded. Not that he was making it at all easy for me.

Infact he was surely trying to make me come completely undone as his fingers dug into the skin of my hips, the back of his throat bouncing wildly against my cock, and with one final suck I found myself exploding right in his mouth, my entire body taut with tension, my mind floating to another dimension altogether. My entire being still oscillating between experiencing my first breath taking blowjob and finally anchoring back into reality. A reality in which P'Arthit had all but devoured me.

Where I would have to finally open my eyes and stare into the face of the man who perplexed me beyond belief. The same man who after having avoiding me with all his might was currently tracing a scorching path up my body with his still hungry mouth. His tongue once again prying my lips apart as I tasted myself on him, his straining erection rubbing urgently against my thigh.

He had once again found his way to the base of my neck, contentedly sucking on my skin, continuously lapping, nipping, biting at my sensitive bruise when we heard the piercing shrill of the doorbell.

Both of us immediately stilled. He pulled back to look down at me. His very common frown suddenly finding a way back to his forehead clearly indicating he wasn't really expecting company. And especially not P'Bright who was currently banging away at the front door, loudly yelling at P'Arthit to open up.

With a string of curses he rolled off the bed and stretched out his hand to help me up, even assisted me in putting on my clothes hurriedly as he ushered us into the living room. For the first time ever I saw him take a few hasty calming breaths before he turned around and looked straight at me.


Hell no!

But I nodded anyway. My entire body overheating as the last half hour kept continuously flashing across my brain. Perhaps I could excuse myself and run to the bathroom cause there was no way I would be able to concentrate on any small talk while Kong Jr was very much alive and kicking again, more than ready to get back to our more pleasurable activity.

"What the hell took you so long to open up. We were outside for like...oh..."

P'Knott and P'Bright halted as soon as they stepped inside the door. Looking between me and P'Arthit repeatedly as if they knew exactly what we were upto. Which was crazy. How would they ever guess that the grumpy P'Arthit would actually want to make out with me when even I didn't catch onto any hints? Right?


Holy fuck! They knew!

The blush covering my face only getting that much more intense as their all-knowing gaze bored straight through me.

It wasn't until P'Arthit stepped between me and their piercing stare did I find my breath once again.

"What do you want?"

"Fuck Arthit, don't tell me you..."

"Later. Why are you guys here?"

"Arthit this is seriously going to get you..."

"I said later. Now do you want to tell me what's going on or not?"

"Ugghhh...fine. Anyway, we are here cause we got Kong's DNA results back.


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