Chapter 15

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Kong's POV

I could feel the thick drop of sweat slowly trickle down the skin of my back. Merging perfectly with the multitudes of previously dripped annoyances as a healthy patch of atrocity kept growing on my shirt. A shirt by the way that belonged to P'Arthit that he had stuffed in my bag before P'Knott took me to the safe house, which was currently getting doused in an ugly stain, making the frown on my face that much deeper.

How the hell could I help it though? I am not good with this covert mission type of things. In fact all night I have barely been able to raise my eyes. The one time I made the mistake of looking in P'Jay's direction he gave me the broadest smile, as if we had this secret between us that no one else knew. If he wanted this ridiculous plan to work why would he keep flashing that suspicious grin at me.

And then there was the one man that was supposed to be keeping a very close eye at me who had pretty much buried his head in his files all night while I desperately tried to catch his gaze. Apparently trying to telepathically communicate my inner turmoil with P'Arthit was not the best solution.

I am also pretty sure I got nearly all orders mixed up, not to mention the multiple plates and glasses I have smashed to smithereens that I can bet my life P'Jay will make me pay for. Well, if I manage to survive the night that is. And still with every ticking minute that passed by I could feel my pulse readily increasing. My heart beating so fast I am honestly surprised people in a one mile radius can't hear it all too clearly.

It was exactly 11 pm when the alarm in my pocket buzzed, indicating my upcoming doom. And exactly on cue I saw P'Jay jump up from his chair, tap me not so discretely on my shoulder for our 'secret signal' before making his way towards P'Arthit.

I swear I hardcore rolled my eyes at his obvious gesture. If my life wasn't on the line right now I would have surely laughed out loud at how ridiculous P'Jay was behaving. Did he seriously think P'Arthit would fall for his lame ass ploy?

Whatever was the case it didn't actually matter. All said and done, I was truly beyond curious as to who this mystery man P'Jay was talking about. And as wary as I was about everything, P'Jay was right atleast in the fact that P'Arthit hadn't really shared much with me at all. I still had no idea what was going on and why I was in the middle of any of this. Perhaps things would actually work out tonight.


It could, right?

P'Jay and I have gone through many things together but I refuse to believe he would consciously put me in any sort of danger.

I watched through hooded eyes as P'Jay approached P'Arthit trying to casually catch him up in some inane conversation. P'Arthit turned my way to check on me, like he normally did every few minutes before turning his head towards P'Jay and giving him his attention.

My mouth drying instantly as I saw them engage in useless chatter. And just as P'Jay placed his hand on the table, fingers slowly crawling towards the piping hot coffee placed near the edge of the table, one nonchalant push to pour it all over P'Arthit's lap and I quickly slipped into the kitchen and power walked through the back exit. Hopefully, P'Arthit wasn't too badly burnt near his nether region, cause I have yet to even see him without his pants. And I would really, really like for that to happen at some point.

A parked bike waiting ready for me right by the door with a small note with the address placed inside the helmet. My fingers shivering with...with...anticipation? Adrenaline? Fear? I don't really know which one was it, all I knew was I had to get on that bike and drive to the mentioned destination. So that's exactly what I did. Fingers crossed, by the time the night is done the whole fiasco will be behind us.

It took me only little more than 20 minutes to arrive at the deserted loading zone of the abandoned factory. Not a soul in sight while I kept imagining creepy old bats about to fly over my head any second now. Rotating around in a stupidly comical manner as I kept expecting someone to attack me from the back. Looking at my watch every few seconds, glancing over my shoulder furtively until I practically jumped out of my skin when I suddenly heard the loud rumble of another bike.

Thankfully it was a rather familiar looking bike. One that I have been well acquainted with for years now. It halting only a few feet away from me as the rider alighted with a broad grin.

"P'Jay, you made it."

"Of course I did."

"P'Arthit didn't give you any trouble?"

"Pffttt. Easiest slip I have ever given. And here you were all in awe with how awesome your P'Arthit was. That dude was fumbling around with the coffee all over his pants. Didn't even pay attention when I left the restaurant."

I clenched my jaw slightly but shook my head to bring the focus back to the issue at hand. We had much bigger things to worry about right now.

"So...uh...who are we meeting?"

"Right this way. He said he would meet us behind the third building."

P'Jay clutched at my elbow as he led me around the dark corner. My entire body shaking with trepidation, not at all comfortable at suddenly finding myself all alone at this lonely dead end in the middle of the night. This does not seem like a good idea at all. Why the fuck did I agree to this ridiculous plan again?

We had just turned the corner when we spotted a short man dressed in a dark over coat. A large hat covering most of his face. My heart beat immediately racing at the ominous looking stranger standing in front of us. My trembling reaching earthquake levels, as I whispered under my breath.

" he the guy?"


Ok, definitely not the answer I was expecting. And my surprised look towards P'Jay was cut short when he addressed the man standing in front of us.

"Hey! You! Who are yo..."



"Are you Kongpob?"

"I'm asking the questions here. Who are you?"

Completely ignoring P'Jay's question the man reached within his pocket to pull something out. P'Jay immediately pushing me behind him, shielding me from the man's view. I craned my neck over P'Jay's shoulder trying to see for myself just how badly screwed we really were, when I noticed the man take out something flat. Something resembling very much like a photograph. Staring at it for a few seconds before the man looked straight as us again. Nodding briefly as he suddenly made a gun appear out of literal thin air.

I barely had time to even let the scene playing out in front of us sink in completely as I felt myself being pushed to the ground, P'Jay covering my body with his own as he desperately began yelling at the man.

"Hey, hey, hey....what do you want? Listen..."

And then the sound of a gunshot pierced the silent night.


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